You see them everywhere: for Dutch entrepreneurs in foreign countries. Why are all they will ever just pack up and leave, and the grass really that much greener on the other side? This week: the Total of the Latter, who, in a Spanish finca for sale, bought it to rent it out to tourists.

which is Why it’s grey, wet country like the Netherlands to start all over again if that was in a sunny land, with its olive and almond trees, the mountains and the singing birds? After four years in Saudi, buy a Total p. van Riel, and her husband, Robert, of a cottage or farm house with a large plot of land in the South of Spain to rent: Finca Las Nuevas.

In Brunei, it was interesting to take a look, not of works, she says, and she filled her time with volunteer work, clubjes and training to become a yoga instructor. “I had no work visa, and there was a housewife on my caller ID. I thought that was very reasonable. I have yet to try if there are unemployed could go on, but, no, no.” The independent is running a guest house in Spain, it is a breath of fresh air, says Of the Latter.

“a Lot of work to do it myself. We sat down with the family for four years, in Between work, my husband is an oil company, and when four years had gone by, we didn’t know what to expect. My husband applied for several positions, and was adopted in the united kingdom. There, he is now working on a rotatiebasis.”

That means in 28 days in a row to work in: Kazakhstan, and more than 28 days. “The family couldn’t go, and I saw this really beats having to get a job in the Netherlands to search for it. We also thought it would be a good idea to have a klusproject to start, so he’s got something to do in the days when he was at home. After four years, the summer in Between we didn’t go back for the grey in the new year! Our family lives here, but we are able to see just fine with you in-between.”

Nevertheless, it is not a house
The family’s decision will not be the first to go in with a plan of action, and to load the container full and send it to Spain. “We rented a house and were looking for a place to rent and to live in it. The idea was to have a house to buy for my husband a job when he was in, but in the end we dropped.” The family bought the Finca Las Nuevas with an olive and almond orchard that surrounds it.

“The first year was not easy. The Andalusian legislation has made the sale difficult, and it was only after a year, we had all the permits settled. Now it’s going to be very good, because we have a lot of diy do it yourself, maintenance, and promotion of our company. In the Netherlands, I had everything: a good job, a nice house. I know that I am beyond indut. I have to learn a new language, getting to know people, to get used to an unfamiliar destination, I feel as though I was back at the sharp stand!”

“But we don’t make too many long-term plans. We will enjoy it just as it vrijheidsgevoel”

Total p. van Riel

In the Netherlands, it is also very easy to get in a nap, says Of the Latter. “Sometimes, I turn on the Dutch radio, and he is said to be the newscaster at six o’clock, all ‘good’. The day is very busy. In the Netherlands, to live according to a certain pattern, but here we are in the middle of nowhere. It doesn’t how to get your home to decorate, what clothes you wear; everything is much more relaxed. We have modest plans for the future. Our hope is that my husband’s early retirement, so we put together the farm can be hard. We have a tiny house to build, and more to do with our fruit trees. However, we do not have too many long-term plans. We will enjoy it just as it vrijheidsgevoel!”