Prior to the summit armed with Tirol meeting for the Traffic to interpret all the signals to relax again, the CSU is even open to the corridor toll, which was previously rejected categorically.

Munich/Innsbruck – The list of problems is long: block, clearance, driving bans, diesel prices – the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), and the Tyrol, the country’s main man Günther Platter (ÖVP) have for their Meeting today in Berlin, a lot of conversation. After the fronts were long hardened, there is but surprising compromise signals . Yesterday, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) showed for the first time, open to an examination of the Tyrol, the required corridor toll. “The steering effect of a corridor toll collection, we should check,” said Söder of the German press Agency.

Tyrol: corridor toll should load means the car traffic on the Brenner route reduce

corridor toll: in the form of higher fees for driving a load, the traffic should be reduced on the Brenner route cars on the route from Munich to Verona. The Problem: The corridor, the principle of the unified toll rate for Truck toll on German motorways, break through. The open question is how much the toll would have to be increased, so that an Incentive entry. The Federal Association of road haulage, logistics and disposal has recently put forward a model bill. Currently a Truck with the emission class Euro VI in Germany to 18.7 cents per kilometre figures, in Austria, during the day on the track Kufstein-Innsbruck 48 cents/km, and Innsbruck to the Brenner 127 cents/km. Overall, it is for Munich to Verona, the total toll of 125 Euro. For comparison: On the Swiss transit route Basel-Chiasso there are 236 Euro.

, you Would raise but the German toll on the Austrian average (73 cents/km), that would be a quadrupling. The trucking industry is afraid of, also, the creation of a precedent that could take residents from other transport corridors, for example – are mentioned in the position paper, Frankfurt, Cologne/Ruhr area and Hamburg-Hannover. Anyway, the steering is doubted effect, the Lobby of the freight forwarders stacks here are well aware of the deep. The toll rates would give the carriers anyway, on to the consumer, it says.

Tyrol has its traffic conditions aggravated

in addition to the corridor toll, there are other issues. Söder demanded yesterday, the Tyrol, had to move in the Truck block clearance , the regular kilometer-long trucks leads to congestion on the German side. Finally, it was here, according to information from the Bavarian Ministry of transport even tightening. Tirol was only 100 instead of 200 to 300 Trucks per hour over the limit, so that the back pressure was still increasing. The longest traffic jam was in the Whitsun holidays: 44 km up behind Weyarn. “The block clearance is a real safety risk and in breach of European law,” said Söder to the dpa. He called for a “massive Expansion of the concept of the rolling road” and a faster construction of the burner inlet range of the inlet should come after at least 20 years. Rolling road is The Truck with the tractor is put on a freight car. The Problem: The “RoLa” there are currently only from Wörgl to the brennersee lake, the longer connection Regensburg-Trento was set in 2016.

The Tiroler head of government Platter Söders Statements after all, positive: “Overall, are from the German side, positive signals to perceive. We want to take the Meeting in Berlin, however, nothing to anticipate.“ He even brought an abolition of the Diesel’s privilege in Austria into the conversation. However, the price difference is Super-Diesel in the Alpine Republic only six cents – unclear whether this would bring much.

Minister of transport under pressure: Scheuer is for the Car toll, grilled and gets period