A double attack occurred Sunday in the center of the country, a hundred kilometers of the mauritanian border, killing five dead and five wounded.

The malian army suffered Sunday in new losses in two simultaneous attacks in the center of the country that have five dead and five wounded, while the opposition and be able to fail to resolve in Bamako, a political crisis that is of growing concern to the international community.

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The double attack occurred at mid-day in the circle of Niono, in the Ségou region, a hundred kilometers of the mauritanian border, where the armed forces have suffered several serious setbacks since the beginning of the year.

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“Between Goma-Coura and Diabaly, a mission #FAMa (malian armed Forces, editor’s note) has been attached by terrorists. At the same time the camp of #Gomacoura was attacked with heavy weapons,” said the army on Twitter. “During this attack, the #FAMa recorded a provisional toll of five dead, five injured and vehicles destroyed. Enemy side, no report is yet available. A reinforcement has been dispatched. The excavations are still in progress,” said the army.

“This is a military convoy leaving Goma-Coura to Diabaly, which has been referred to, said under cover of anonymity, a local official of Diabaly, a town about 300 km North-West of Bamako. “He fell around noon in an ambush. There are four pickups and a BRDM (armoured vehicle) missing,” added the elected, explaining that the inhabitants of the region to live “in fear”.

Whirlwind of violence

If it is in the north of Mali that is a party in 2012, a rebellion of freedom fighters and jihadists, which marks the beginning of the current conflict, the violence which is a mixture of inter-communal conflict murderers have spread to the centre of the country, particularly since the emergence in 2015 of a group jihadist led by the preacher peul, Amadou Kufa, and in Burkina Faso and Niger, neighbors.

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At least 24 malian soldiers had been killed in mid-June in an ambush attributed to the jihadists in the town of Bouka Wéré, in the South-East of Diabaly. On the 26th of January, the camp Sokolo, also in central Mali, had been the object of an attack which had cost the lives of twenty soldiers, claimed by the Group of support to islam and muslims (GSIM), the main alliance of jihadist in the Sahel affiliated to Al-Qaeda.

the relationship between the military and some communities in the circle of Niono are further strained since the beginning of the year. A report from the Minusma, the UN Mission in Mali, was accused in April, the malian army of being involved in the death of at least fifty people in the circle of Niono between January and April.

End of the truce of the opposition

at the same time, the socio-political crisis facing Mali since June, has still not found any result, despite the mediation efforts at the highest level of the Community of States of West Africa (Cédéao). Some of the recommendations of the regional organization have been followed by effects, including the appointment of new judges to the constitutional Court to settle an electoral dispute concerning parliamentary march-April, trigger of the current crisis.

A government restricts has also emerged around a few departments of peerage, but the Prime minister Boubou Cisse has failed to convince the opposition, led by the Movement of the 5-June, also said “M5-RFP”, to join a government of national union. The M5-RFP, which calls for since June the departure of the president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, has announced the resumption on Monday of his actions of “civil disobedience”, after having observed a truce to mark the muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated Friday.

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The weekend of July 10, a demonstration at the call of the opposition has degenerated into three days of unrest murderers, the most serious in Bamako since the coup of 2012. The president Keïta for his part, reiterated Saturday that he intended to remain in place and warned those who would take the “public and private property”.