The sick message does not always causes Trouble, if you arrive on time to the boss. It is enough to send his boss a WhatsApp message?

running nose, sore throat and the cycle not only want to come in When employees are sick, is not to think of work. Workers have to report in such a case, as soon as possible for your employer to risk any Trouble. But enough legally a WhatsApp message?

not regulated by Law, such as notification of illness must be done

Actually is not regulated by law , such as an employee has to confirm with his employer’s sick – only that he must inform the incapacity for work and the duration and the Whole “without delay”, that is, already before start of work . Anyone who logs in until noon after a doctor’s appointment, must reckon with a warning.

Also has to reach the sick message, the right person . In some companies this is the direct supervisor, in others the HR Department or the managing Director. It is not enough to only inform a colleague in case of illness.

Also interesting: what must be the AU of the employer?

Personal WhatsApp message is enough, if…

Who informs his boss in a personal message share via WhatsApp & co. his incapacity and the probable duration that is legally on the safe side. However, the chief of this message must also be on time, so before start of work , to read. So that he can adapt to it, and the Department accordingly coordinate.

A message to the WhatsApp group chat of the team on the other hand ranges from – finally, it is not assured that the boss throws in the morning an eye on the group chat.

The sick message via WhatsApp o. k., however, is only if WhatsApp in operation as a common means of communication between boss and employees, such as the right side reports. This is not the case, you will not have to expect the boss to get a sick message on WhatsApp.

another Problem may also occur when the message is sent due to server problems later. Then Trouble looms, finally, the employee has a duty to submit report Sick in a timely manner.

also read: allowed to do all This in spite of Sickness.

sick message via SMS: dishes

What is true for WhatsApp, also applies to SMS. However, only to the latter, the courts have ruled, for instance, the regional labour court Rheinland-Pfalz (judgment dated 10.7.2014, Az. 5 Sa 63/14) and the labour court of Hamburg (judgment of 4.6.2008, Az. 2 Ca 470/07).

The judges were wrong in both cases, a sick message via SMS – however, one of the judges did not think it for the best , the own inability to work.

Who wants to go safe, should the boss call

the company itself can define, in Principle, and in the case of whom a medical report has how – whether by phone, by E-Mail or WhatsApp or SMS Who would like to be sure that his message arrives, but that it should be grasping, as before, the phone , to avoid a warning notice or in case of recurrence or even dismissal.

More: sick message: to log really sick.

And: Sick leave: Three misconceptions circulating, unfortunately.

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