In an interview with BFMTV, Israa Seblani returns to the blast that she experienced Tuesday when she participated in a photo session in the capital of Lebanon.

She has lived a very difficult moment, but Israa Seblani in spite of showing a smile. “Believe me, what you see there, the smile, etc, this was not totally there yesterday,” she said in an interview with BFMTV recorded on Wednesday. Tuesday, this 29 year old woman participates in a photo shoot in the city centre of Beirut dressed in her wedding dress when she is surprised by an explosion. The images were then made the rounds of social networks.

“When I woke up and I saw the damage in Beirut, the first thing I said was “thank God we are alive,” she said on BFMTV. “I was shocked, I wondered what was going on. Is what I’m going to die ? How I’m going to die ?” said the doctor who lives between Lebanon and the United States.

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“there are no words to explain what happened at the time of the explosion. I feel so sad,” she said. She continues : “I feel so sad compared to what happened to the others, compared to what happened in Lebanon”. The young woman was preparing “for her big day since two weeks ago” and “was like all the other girls happy to be married”.

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The last count of the lebanese ministry of Health identified this Thursday, at least 137 people dead and 5000 wounded, while dozens of people remain unaccounted for. At least 40 French people have been injured in the double explosion at the port of Beirut, according to a new provisional report release Thursday by the prosecutor’s office in Paris, which has extended its investigation following the death of a French citizen. The explosions, caused the authorities to a fire in a warehouse containing a huge amount of ammonium nitrate in the port of Beirut, has also made 300 000 people homeless.