for Years, the CSU drove into the refugee policy is a hard course. Now, the tone and the priorities change. To do more to combat the reasons for Flight, will Markus Söder 2019 travel to Africa.

Munich – According to information from our newspaper Söder will announce at noon today in his government Declaration that in the coming year, his first major Setrabet trip as Prime Minister to Africa. Yet, the continent is not the focus of the Bavarian state politics – from the CSU, only development aid Minister, Gerd Müller took really seriously the fight against causes of Flight. The travels of the Prime Minister were typically dominated by economic interests, even in Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates. Edmund Stoiber and Horst Seehofer traveled several to Russia.

For Söder itself, however, it is the first trip to the continent. As health Minister, he visited Kenya, where he was informed about the health and conservation projects.