In the summer, hide in the Branches of a tree, the road sign and in the Winter a layer of snow blocked the view of the sign. But the speed Limit applies then?

The Winter, especially in the South of Germany is wide and it always comes back to the snow drifts. Where a Tempo-50-shield was, is only to recognize a snow-covered shield. The traffic sign is still valid or drivers can choose to ignore it? It depends.

In these conditions, road signs lose their validity

For traffic signs the principle of visibility is valid. Signs must be positioned accordingly, so that the traffic participant can capture quickly and casually. Is a tag so to grow , that they can no longer recognize its importance, loses the sign of its effect.

This has the higher regional court of Hamm, a judgment (Az. III-3RBs 336/09). A taxi driver was caught speeding with a pace of 73 in a 30 Zone. However, showed a walk-through of the road , that the 30 sign was obscured by the Branches of a tree. Therefore, it was not assumed to be 30 km/h as a speed limit by the judges in sentencing, but the Tempo 50.

it was no role played the taxi driver due to the environment – Right-before-left intersections, or road narrowing – could think that it is a Tempo-30-Zone.

read in which countries should you be in the car it is better not to smoke.

Dirty road signs: motorists need to recognize signs of your Form

the situation was Somewhat different in the case of dirty or snowy road signs behaves . It comes down to whether drivers can recognize on the basis of the shape of the shield. A sign indicating a speed limit, not one of them. Because this does not accurately detect if it is dirty or covered with snow. Apart from the fact that the required speed can not make up, it could also be a ban on Overtaking. Stop signs or “give-way”signs to keep an always valid.

But beware: Local car drivers are not to pull so easily from the affair. Because of this, it can be expected that you are familiar with the traffic signs whether it’s 30 Zone, the speed limit or one-way street.

Also interesting: you need to make for faulty Parking ticket machines.

dirty stopping restrictions are valid

Also when Parking you can’t talk yourself out so easily so that the plate is dirty or covered with snow. Because it is reasonable that the sign of the pollution free , to see, whether you can Park there.

Learn here , like a woman scrapped a Ferrari in a few seconds.


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