winter vacation means ski time. The ski clubs in the district have known this for years, and are prepared for it. What’s going on where? We have asked some of the Clubs.

Erding– winter vacation means ski time. The ski clubs in the district have known this for years, and are prepared for it. What’s going on where? We have asked some of the Clubs.

FC Lengdorf: by the Way, snow Shoe

number: FC Lengdorf had heuer supervised 80 people attending such schools at the age of four to 40 years, from 16 instructors and helpers. “We were with four buses on the road,” explains Claudia Hondl, because many passengers had used the course for the ski trip to St. Johann in Tirol or Scheffau. So it had been a total of 190 people.
How was it?”In St. Johann and on the second day in Scheffau, we had fantastic weather and good snow conditions,” says Hondl. “On the third day, it gave us the snow and Wind blowing a little hard, but the kids had in the snow but there is a lot of fun.”
New Trend: snow-Shoe Hiking. Cozy one to two hours up to the hut. Break. Then back again. Especially popular it was in the case of parents whose children are in the ski course, so Hondl. The FCL offered this for the second Time.
Special Specialfür adults: “tips & technique”. The daily workshops, in which everyone will be driving with an experienced instructor.
cost: Three-day-cost ski course € 95 for FCL-members with bus ride, the adults-Workshop 40 Euro per day, the kid’s course is 80 euros for four days.

Ski Club book: The highlight is the downhill run

number: The Christmas ski course (27. up to 29. December), attended by 59 children at the age of three to 14 years. “Here we were able to win primarily through advertising in the local kindergartens new, young Skitalente”, say the two speakers Sabrina Pfab and Theresa Notka. Four young people practiced in snowboarding. In respect of the course in January (19./20.) the applications are still running.
demand: interest in skiing have not abated. “Of course, we must not forget, however, that it is due to the unstable snow conditions, especially in December, challenging was to let the ski lessons take place. The changing climate will accompany us also in the next few years,“ say the two.
Where? “The courses we run for a very long time in Niederau (Austria), since the slope conditions for all levels are given”, sign the book inside. There are several beginner slopes, but also for the more Advanced slopes with red and black slopes and a challenging descent to the valley.
How was it? Bright sunshine on all days, beautiful snow conditions “and also a little off-Piste” – what I like particularly the children.
the cost: The Christmas ski course is the cost for all three days, including lift tickets and Busbetreuung for the children 160 Euro. The weekend rate in January amounted to 110 euros.
special feature: Every class is led according to the SCB of at least one instructor with a basic level (DSLV examination Level 1). For this purpose, an auxiliary instructors per course group.

WSV long preising: snowboarding is out

number: the Saturday classes of the WSV long preising care, according to Michael brown by about 50 participants, between the ages of six and 47 years of age. In principle, all participants will be accommodated, as there is sufficient Instructors are available to keep the groups as small as possible.
demand:the trend is for the demand to be on the decline, says brown, “where to Ski in again with encouragement learns”. Snowboarding was asked less and less.
when and where?The courses take place from 12. January in St. Johann/Tirol. The kindergarten rate increases at the 4. February, as usual at the Geißkopf, where the snow conditions are likely to fit.
cost: The courses cost 95 euros including the bus ride, plus lift ticket.
Trends and what’s New in the Skilehre?Brown: “Basically, it is more likely to be open. It is important that you drive safely.“

Skiclub Dorfen: ski school of the year

number:260 skiers in age from 3 to 60 years of age have signed up, according to the press spokeswoman Gitte Andreas widl. Add to this the Rennkinder. “We were able to accept all requests.”
Where? The courses take place in St. Jakob am Pillersee. “And there, and it’s snowing and it’s snowing it’s snowing”, moans Andreas widl.
cost: 65 Euro cost of the Four-day course without lunch-time supervision.
demand: “The interest is unabated, in spite of prices and climate change.”

Trends?”Unfortunately, there is not only Positive,” says the spokesperson. “The parents sign their children up for the course three. Since the objective of the parallel Drive. And then you sign your children often. Whether it is the children, because they eventually come to an age where you have to be stubborn. Or whether you say: Now you can go skiing, and that’s not good enough for our skiing holiday, I know.“ Andreas widl regrets, “because you can’t go Ski. It would be nice if the older children would also take up courses and some of the best skiers“. For the past two, three years.
special feature: The ski club Dorfen was awarded by the German ski Association as ski school of the year (we reported).

SV Hörlkofen: Run on cross-country courses

number: 75 people take the courses, which take place until Sunday in St. Johann in Tirol. And not only for children, because the HSV is also offering two courses for adults. In addition, there are, according to spokeswoman Ruth Riepl since this year, also cross-country courses.
waiting list:There’s only the long-run rate.
demand: The courses are attended according to Riepl. The registrations for courses are similar to those of the past few years. However, the HSV is on the decline in the Snowboard applications.
How’s it going? “Very much new snow, and at the top it is very windy”, according to Riepl directly from the ski lift. The Great thing is: Actually, this takes place just next to the slopes, “but this year there is also a lot of Powder on the slopes is because of the new Snow possible,” reported the Hörlkofenerin and raves about the deep snow experiences for the children. After consultation with the bus company, the HSV has decided that this Saturday will be driven “and possibly on Sunday. After we needed on Wednesday because of the snow for four hours for the journey home, we are tough,“ she says, laughing.
cost:children pay 75 euros adults, 80 euros for four days. A single ski lesson costs 140 euros per day.
special feature:Since this year, the HSV also offers a cross country course. The is so in demand that there is a waiting list. In addition, the HSV blue fire Department used hoses in the beginners ‘ courses to Present curves, which are then followed, and as a climbing aid. Riepl: “Since the children save energy when not running, because you are slipping.”

Ski-Club Erding: places for carnival course free

number: “We have a total of 156 participants in the first ski course, including eight adults,” reports Thomas Frauendorfer from Ski-Club Erding. The participants were between five and 48 years old. The course has been running since Thursday and ends on Sunday. “For our second ski course in the carnival holiday on the 7th, 9. and 10. In March, we have still free places. Furthermore, seven participants practice during the snowboard course and a further nine in Nordic Skiing.
The demand of the spirit in the children’s area continues to be very high. “But you may find that it is in the snowboard area is well on the decline,” said press spokesman Maximilian Renninger.
How’s it going? St. Jakob am Pillersee is covered in deep snow. If the price goes down in the next two days is uncertain. Up to the editorial deadline there were no cancellation.
cost: The Three-day course costs in each case without ski pass € 75, respectively, including the bus trip 105 euros.
Trends In the Skilehre there are no huge changes. “The jars since the topic Carvingski pretty,” says Renninger. Generally speaking, one could say: Freeriding and ski touring has arrived in the Mainstream.

SV Wasen tegernbach: Small teaching groups

number: 24 instructors and Exercise leaders travel with 90 Skischülern this and next weekend to Kössen. The courses are held under the direction of the DSV ski instructor, Ingo Fiebiger and sports Executive Richard Stadler.
cost:The Four-day course costs 155 Euro for beginners and 170 Euro for Advanced included bus ride, lift ticket, and lunch.
special feature: “The Maximum is reached. The more we can take,“ says Wasen tegernbachs Chairman Stefan Gruber. The groups should not be larger than six people. Gruber: “as soon As it will be more, a second instructor.”

Very active also in the ski club of Auerbach for many years. The people responsible were but these days not reachable.