A spectator of the satellite.1-Breakfast television has been asked by the moderators, scandalous and demanded that they moderate without clothes.

Berlin – The Breakfast television at Sat.1 has been running for more than 30 years. A spectator has now made a scandalous claim. He wanted to see the two presenters Alina Merkau and Matthias Killing in the altogether on TV. This is the Video that was posted on the Instagram Account of Breakfast television.

Sat.1-Breakfast television: the moderators respond with a sense of Humor

is to see how the presenters respond to the claim.

see you moderate this post on Instagram to

New idea: @alinamerkau and @Matthias killing to be naked! We are excited to see. #sat1frühstücksfernsehen #sat1ffs #sat1

shared A post by SAT.1 Breakfast television (@Breakfast television) on Aug 26, 2019 5:27 PM PDT

The moderators make fun of you the shoulder in front of the camera. To do this, you say that you can present in the next shipment, so in front of the camera and the audience then believe that you are wearing nothing.

Sat.1-Breakfast television: Followers respond in different ways

the reactions of The Fans are divided: some see in the action a class of Gag, and refer to it as the “top”. Others, however, find the Video to be less well managed and write “how terrible” or “I wonder if that is Breakfast TV?” below. A other Followers, summarizes perfectly: “you guys are so good, no one needs you naked!”

Sat.1-Breakfast television: Killing and Merkau experienced Team

Sat.1-Breakfast television runs from Monday to Friday from 5.30 am to 10.00 PM, live on satellite.1 and is moderated in teams of two. The moderators Alina Merkau and Matthias Killing for some years a well-coordinated Team, as they also show in the Video. Killing is already since 2009, presenter on the Breakfast TV, Merkau joined in 2014 new to the Team.

Only Recently, a verbal Expression of the presenter Marlene Lufen in the Breakfast television caused a commotion.

Always run Topless photos of celebrities for Fans to irritation, such as Heidi Klum or Lena Meyer-Landrut.
