what is the content of the training depends on the industry. What are the apprentices particularly well paid, and what are rather little, you can find here.

first The good news: The training allowances increased to 2018, significantly more than in the previous year. In the total average, they rose by 3.7 percent, compared to 2017, it was 2.6 percent.

The evaluation of the Federal Institute for vocational education and training (BIBB). The national average apprentices earned a collective training contract approximately 908 EUR gross per month . Nevertheless, the salary differences between the East and the West are being felt in many trainings as before. Who wants to make a lot of money, should not see but only the Region of his training. the Whether trainees earn a good, or rather bad, mainly depends on the industry .

Collective training To earn a remuneration of 20 selected Occupations 2018

the best most apprentices count, according to the BIBB masons and the Masons . You earn an average of around 1.175 Euro gross per month in the West and 975 euros in the East. It also mechatronics/indoor, industrial mechanics and industrial clerks.

While this group earns around 1,000 euros gross, will have to settle for the lower end of the scale, chimney sweep with about 518 Euro on a monthly basis. Selected collective training allowances shown in the following table:

AVG. Monthly salary (gross)


AVG. Monthly salary (gross)



1.175 €

975 Euro


the 1,091 Euro

1.070 Euro.

industrial mechanic

1.086 Euro

1.044 Euro

industrial management

1.051 Euro

981 Euro

Kaufmann/-frau for insurance and Finance

1.035 Euro

1.035 Euro

administrative employees

1.003 Euro

1.003 Euro

Media technologist in print

981 Euro

981 Euro

a businessman/woman in retail trade

891 Euro

806 Euro

Medical/-r compartment workers/-r

852 Euro

852 Euro

building cleaner/-in

837 Euro

775 Euro


836 Euro

707 Euro


811 Euro

740 Euro

metal workers/-in

800 euros

592 Euro

motor vehicle mechatronics technician

796 Euro

699 EUR.

a businessman/woman for office management

794 Euro

745 Euro

painter and Lackierer/-in

718 Euro

718 Euro


678 Euro

678 Euro


622 Euro

587 Euro


606 Euro

387 Euro

chimney sweep/-in

518 Euro

518 Euro

source: Federal Institute for vocational education and training (BIBB), as of 2018

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