power of women in the district together so that the new potential for awakening: The want to reach Sabrina Stadler with their new club, Mountain Minds. But also guys are welcome.

Fischbachau/Miesbach – power women in the district together so that the new potential for awakening: this was The aim of the first “Female Mountain Power Summit”, the Sabrina Stadler (28) from Fischbachau last summer in the Waitzinger Keller Miesbach is organized. Now she has ignited the next stage of expansion: Together with six colleagues on the project – and event Manager founded the Association “Mountain Minds”. What’s up with that, and whether only women are allowed to take part, reveals Stadler in the Interview.

Mrs Stadler, the Board of Directors of your new Association is entirely in female hands. Mountain Minds about a kind of modern woman Covenant?

Sabrina Stadler: (laughs) No way. In the case of us guys are of course welcome. The strong woman ratio rather results from the fact that the club is originated from the Female Mountain Power Summit. Our entire communication runs but with an asterisk – so a gender-appropriate manner. My ideas were driven never feminist.

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Sabrina Stadler: it is important for Me to work in a solution oriented way and to go bring people together, support each other, new ways. We come up with a lot more, if we – instead of side by side. All of the activities of the Association are not-for-profit. Surpluses flow back directly into the projects.

And the Female Mountain Power Summit?

Sabrina Stadler: is, of course, continue. 24. and 25. May starts the new edition, again in the Waitzinger Keller Miesbach.

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The is but only to girls, if you take the name seriously.

Sabrina Stadler: (laughs) In this case, you don’t have to. In fact, boys are raised the same way. We have just left the name that way because he has brought now a degree of brand awareness. We want to use now.

pre-sale running

cards for 2. Female Power Summit on April 24./25. May (49 Euro) in advance about the Waitzinger Keller, 08025/70000, Eventim and münchen ticket, as well as by E-Mail to info@mountain-minds.de. Even a day cash in it.