A Flixbus-rider attacked on the journey from Augsburg to Zurich-a passenger – after she had caught an incredible action.

Augsburg – A bus driver with headphones in the ear, the looks on your Smartphone, and the view from the roadway. Relax on the Flixbus-trip from Augsburg to Zurich, fell to Florian Kunz village in view of this condition difficult. “I’ve been sitting behind the bus driver,” says the restaurateur against the Express will of his memorable trip worthy of the 13. April.

Kunzendorf was initially unable to believe the scenes taking place there in the driver’s seat. “I got up and saw that the bus driver take a look at on your phone in a movie or a series,” says the father of a family. The discovery disturbed he resorted, finally, to his Smartphone to document the incredible scenes for the customer service of the company. What are the consequences of his evidence should have a photo, he would have probably never dreamed.

Flixbus: bus driver looks while driving Videos – a passenger caught in the act

From the shutter release button of the phone startled, I started the bus driver kunzendorf, immediately, to concern him with tirades, I even threatened with the police. But it didn’t keep the aggressive woman. “The bus driver hit me on the thigh and my middle finger is shown,” says the father of a family. Completely stunned Kunz decided to village to complete his journey with Flixbus prematurely. For the rest of the way to Zürich, he took to the train.

The next day, Kunzendorf Flixbus made on his memorable excursion to the attention of. For horror, the response of the company was made to him – there had simply been no. Only on request of the TV channel RTL, the company agreed to make a statement.

man experienced the Horror of travel in the Flixbus: “You feel like cattle”

“The photo clearly shows that the responsible role of the driver has not been met. Accordingly, the driver has been locked for us,“ explains a spokesman. Internal and external controls, however, would show that it was an isolated case.

passenger Kunz village is the bus driver only a weak consolation. He seems to be traveling in the Flixbus have been completed fully. “You feel like cattle. It is rough to be addressed when one enters the Bus and is then delivered to the Power of the driver. This is not a good feeling,“ the restaurateur to be embittered conclusion.


In a Flixbus from Munich to Berlin, a man has to masturbate, suddenly, in front of the eyes of a young woman. How the bus driver reacted, but speechless. To the astonishment of the behavior of a Flixbus-driver provided Partenkirchen in the middle of the forest in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. In January 2019, there was an incident in which the he left the guests in the middle of the road get off.