On the first day of the new year, swear by many smokers it is again: “I quit!”. To be nicotine-free, it needs but the right strategy.

If a smoker feels the Craving for a cigarette, which is comparable with a wave: it builds and builds and builds, ebbs, but then again.

“Who wants to get rid of his vices, you should surf on this wave and wait until the urge is over,” advises Michaela Goecke, Federal centre for health education (BZgA) in Cologne, Germany. The head of unit for addiction prevention recommends that prospective smokers to Postpone, therefore, the so-called 4-A-rule:! Dodge! Run! distract !

“for instance, with a crumple ball, one has for such cases in Cratosslot the bag, or lozenges”

“When the Craving comes, it means the Request to postpone. Rather than reaching for the cigarette, giving way to one on ten deep breaths. This will work everywhere. the Then you should move out of the risk situation run – no matter how, the main thing somehow. Finally, distract yourself with a crumple ball, one has for such cases in the bag, or lozenges,” said Goecke in an interview with the dpa-themed service.

suck not lozenges with peppermint flavor made just for fresh breath, but had the side effect of tastes that a cigarette. The addiction expert advises smoke-stoppers, in addition, to remind all the paraphernalia around Smoking such as lighters, cigarette cases, ashtrays from the field of view to spaces : “Nothing to it “Ah, there was what”.”

What kind of smoker am I?

Prior to the project, and stop Smoking, should you be what a Consumer you strong> is

Smoking, in which the handle to the Fags on the other hand is a learned behavior, one should analyze, and when you resort to cigarettes. the high-risk situations . the coffee in the Morning, the cigarette after a meal or Smoking to wine, or even beer Then it can be a strategy to drink a a long time no Espresso or coffee, to run after eating a round, with people together, the Smoking also.

However, not only smokers, but also non-smokers develop lung cancer . Here you will learn why.

smokers need several attempts to become smoke-free

And how do you deal with a relapse? “ think “Then I try it again in a year “, but immediately pull the ripcord and continue to motivate,” says Goecke. You know: “A smoker usually takes several attempts to become smoke-free.”

The BZgA supports Aufhörwillige with a free-of-charge available Start-up package. the in addition to information, it includes a relax ball to Knead, lozenges, a tear-off calendar with the motivations for the first 100 smoke-free days, as well as a self-test for tobacco dependency. Ordered it www.rauchfrei-info.de.

interesting : This is what happens to your body when you stop Smoking.


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