The traffic was opened on Tuesday evening on the structure that had been inaugurated the day before, two years after the collapse of the bridge Morandi.

After its inauguration on Monday, the new bridge of Genoa has welcomed its first vehicles just after the opening to traffic on Tuesday evening. Good news even if some feel that the measures taken to renovate the infrastructure of the Italian is in a pitiful state are not sufficient.

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The first vehicles have crossed shortly after 22 hours the elegant metal structure, nearly two years after the bridge Morandi collapsed during heavy rains, precipitating into the void of the dozens of vehicles and causing the death of 43 people.

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The page is difficult to turn to the relatives of the victims

relatives of The victims have struggled to turn the page : “We are still anchored in the past, we are still at the collapsed bridge, and with the loved ones we have lost under the bridge. We stopped in 2018,” explained Giorgio Robbiano, 43 years old, vice-president of an association of victims, who lost his brother, his sister-in-law and his nephew in the disaster.

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This tragedy has brought to light the poor state of the roads, bridges and railroads in Italy. The demolition of the remains of the bridge Morandi and reconstruction in a record time have been hailed as an example of what the country is capable of, when he managed to extricate itself from its heavy bureaucracy.

“All the infrastructure the Italian could be like this”

“This has sent a message of confidence, competence and hope. All the infrastructure the Italian could be like this, and to live up to the standards of other european countries or even surpass them”, is excited about the mayor of Genoa, a large port city in the north-east, at the inauguration of the bridge in the presence of the Prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.

READ ALSO >> IN Genoa, life without bridge

The ruling coalition between the centre-left and the Movement 5 Stars (M5S) promised during the pandemic of the sars coronavirus using the infrastructure projects to boost the economy in tatters, while Italy has fallen into its worst recession since the Second World War.

62 billion euros, unlocked

The government is particularly committed to simplify the procedures to unlock the 62 billion euros for public works, while putting forward the “model Genes”, code name to refer to work carried out under the direction of a special commissioner.

Italy has currently fifty major infrastructure projects that have obtained a green light but which are stationary, among which a high-speed train in Sicily (south) or the widening of a highway in Tuscany (centre), according to the lobby of the BTP Italian ANCE.

These projects are blocked because of legal action hanging in length, business bankruptcies, political divisions or quarrels in local, as this railway station in Liguria (north-east) that compete for several municipalities.