technician from Aachen have set with the fully-electric small van street scooter years ago accents. Now a fully electric van will also help the environment at the RWTH Aachen, the cities of transport crowds free.

Las Vegas (Reuters) – A fully electric minibus out of Germany at the consumer electronics show (CES 8. to 11. January) in Las Vegas caused quite a stir. The e. GO Mover was developed in a joint venture of the technology group ZF Friedrichshafen, Germany and the Aachen-based Start-up e. GO Mobile.

The key technology components come from ZF. In the e. GO Mover 15 people are in the car (ten seats and five standees). At the same time the minibus does not require more space than a large sedan. “As a result, he is agile and finds everywhere in the city his way,” the company said. The minibus has mastered level 4 on the way to Autonomous Driving. In this Level, the technical systems, carry out all driving tasks, the Bus can also travel longer distances without interference. In the case of a possible Expansion to Level 5 (fully Autonomous Driving) could the driver’s seat and the steering Wheel disappear.

The Aachen-based Start-up e. GO Mobile AG 2015 by Professor Günther Schuh, as a manufacturer of electric vehicles established. The scientists from the RWTH University in Aachen had already brought the all-electric vans street scooter on the way. The vehicle is now produced by a subsidiary of Deutsche Post AG.

At CES, ZF Friedrichshafen and e. GO, announced a partnership with the French group Transdev, one of the leading international mobility service providers, with day of eleven million customers. Transdev is one of the first buyers of the e. GO Mover. A first pre-series will be built in may. The series production will start in two years in Aachen.

Technical data of the e. GO movers

consumer electronics show CES