In a factory hall of the aerospace supplier Premium Aerotec in Augsburg, Germany, there was a fire. The Brand have definitely an impact on the production at the Augsburg plant.

Update from 31. December, 15.18 PM : After the fire at the Augsburg-based Airbus subsidiary Premium Aerotec, a crisis unit is busy, to maintain the ability to supply. “I am very confident that we can stabilize our production process,” said production supervisor Jens Walla, the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Monday). “Our crisis team has been working hard on Alternative solutions. Supply shortages to our customer Airbus are not expected to be expected.“ The fire was erupted from a yet unknown cause in the night to Friday, and had caused a loss of at least tens of millions of euros.

fire at the Augsburg-based aerospace supplier – impact on production?

Update 16: 05 PM: A fire is caused in the case of the Augsburg-based Airbus subsidiary Premium Aerotec, a loss of at least tens of millions of euros. According to the company, the fire broke out in the night to Friday, from initially unknown cause in the field of surface processing.

of The Brand have said will definitely affect the production in the Augsburg plant of Premium Aerotec spokeswoman Barbara Sagel. It is virtually all Airbus models were affected. Concrete statements can be made about delays in delivery could not be made. According to Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, it takes but anyway, for several months, until the in Augsburg-produced parts are processed further and, ultimately, airplanes were built. Together they will search for solutions.

fire at an aerospace supplier Premium Aerotec in Augsburg, Germany: damage in the double-digit million range

the police and the company agree to a property damage in the tens of millions. When the fire broke out, there were no employees in the building. The Augsburg criminal police is now to detect with experts from the land office of criminal investigation the cause of the fire.

Several firefighters had to be investigated due to the easier complaints medical. You could, however, after a short time back home

Premium Aerotec has around 10 000 employees. At the headquarters in Augsburg, Germany, about 4000 of them, according to the company. They delivered every year, “components, sub-assemblies, and entire fuselage sections for a total of more than 600 new Airbus planes”.

In Germany), the Airbus suppliers, and a further four plants in North Germany: Bremen, Hamburg, Nordenham and Varel (both in lower Saxony. In addition, there is a factory in Romania. Since a few years, Airbus is examining the sale of the Augsburg-based subsidiary.

fire at the Augsburg-based aerospace supplier – Huge damage and injuries

Augsburg – When a fire in a factory hall of the Airbus subsidiary Premium Aerotec have been injured, four firefighters easily. According to the police, the fire broke out late Thursday evening in a hall in Augsburg.

Multiple emergency teams, the fire brigade to be approached, extinguishing the fire lasted more than seven hours. At the hall a “major damage was caused,” said a police spokeswoman. What had triggered the fire was initially unclear. The police took up the investigation.

Premium Aerotec in Augsburg, Germany: a fire cost millions

Premium Aerotec employees at the location in Augsburg, according to information on the website, about 4000 employees, of which 170 trainees and students. Due to the more than 100-year history of the site is referred to as a “pioneer of location of the German aircraft”. The Airbus subsidiary, where it manufactures, among other things, the construction of lightweight components made of carbon fiber, and the fuselage parts for civil and military purposes.


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