Who is called an H-plate of his Own, must make a driving prohibitions. First claims to be loud, to refuse to give the newer vintage cars, the coveted number plate.

cars whose first registration dates back 30 years, waving a H plate and so many benefits. Owners will receive not only tax privileges, but also the permission in environmental zones to retract, even with diesel cars that are actually locked out.

No H-plates for cars from the 90s

Rudolf’s body, President of the “General Schnauferl-Club”-group of country of Württemberg-Hohenzollern, the critical. The member of the automobile club calls, therefore, according to the news portal Spiegel Online, used cars for the model years 1990 to 1999, the coveted H-to refuse the mark, and thus to close a loophole in the bans.

in His opinion, there could be a “popular anger” against Oldtimer-driver and there is the risk that the benefits of the H-label would be checked in General critical. In addition, the body fears that some motorists could use the H-plates only, in order to circumvent driving bans.

also read: What is the meaning of the H-plate and which cars get it?

total Association is contrary to the country group

as food for thought-intentioned proposal of the body not reflect the opinion of the ASC-against the overall Association. The President Uwe Brodbeck writes on the Website of the club that it was the personal opinion of Rudolf’s body. The Club do not share this view.

It was the large number of H-plate-enabled cars aware of, but not afraid of a glut of on new cars. Testing agencies such as Dekra, GTÜ and TÜV would have to ensure that “only well-maintained and not converted and exiled stelte, or rusted vehicles get the Status of ‘H-plate’,” it says in a post.

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