The seat belt in the car bothers some riders. However, even those who drive slowly, don’t miss it: in the case of a collision, with only a few kilometres an hour there is danger to life.

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – “driving time los, to the next corner, I don’t need a belt” – such miscalculations in the car are very dangerous. Because at very low speeds, it is not possible in case of emergency with the hands, warns Dekra accident research scientist Stefanie knight.

“In a collision with 14 km/h against a wall, for example, the impact forces are already eight times the body weight.” The belt was still the most important measure to reduce the risk of injury as low as possible.

Airbags and belt tensioners are able to meet their optimum protection only when applied straps optimally. For belt, a muffle, an Airbag is not only nearly useless, but may increase the risk under certain circumstances. “After all, the Airbag unfolds, with around 200 km/h,” says Ritter.