As most of the people have celebrated Christmas, were many others in use in the hospital Erding. A visit on Christmas day.

Erding – Christmas is the celebration of love. This is a phrase we constantly hear when you are in the year to the end. Many families come together. They eat and drink, watch “home alone” or “Titanic”. We move to the holidays a little more, sleep longer. The work seems to be in our minds far away. For many, the first work week until the new year begins. Simply gorgeous.

but There are also people like Senay Cakilci, Joe Kaiser, and Andreas Huber. The alarm clock is ringing in the holidays early in the morning. You work in the hospital in Erding. We have them at 25. December visited.

+ nurse Senay Cakilci©Max Wochinger

Slowly, without the hustle and bustle Senay Cakilci along the corridor of the Central emergency room. Your friendly view of the empty treatment rooms strips to the left and to the right of her. “Today nothing is going on,” says the nurse in the blue-and-white clothing. You will be surprised. Normal people with abdominal pain and Nausea would come on the First day of Christmas, often in the emergency room of the greasy Christmas goose and sausages, Kolaybet which were eaten on Christmas eve. “Yes good, if no one comes,” she says with a laugh. Quite different the day before. Because she had had a lot to do. Three Car Accidents. Four seriously injured patients had to provide the Team of the emergency room.

Today, but it is quiet. Some people wait, the mood of the nurses is good. And festive songs are running on the stations. Almost leave with Christmas tree balls and strings of lights, decorated fir trees. Many Christmas trees are in the hospital. Some even come with packages including. Unfortunately, empty.

Cakilci is this Tuesday, since 11 am in the hospital. Until 19 o’clock you have to stay. Christmas don’t celebrate it, actually – she is a Muslim. Nevertheless, for the children of their large family, a small Feast on Christmas eve. You must work in the evening, don’t Cakilci bad. “If a lot is going on, I don’t have the time to think of Christmas.”

For the past eight years she has been working in the emergency room. On Christmas day, says the nurse with the deep black eyes, the patient is also much more friendly. Cakilci is in a good mood this morning.

A floor is higher, Pooja Chinnapattan in a hospital bed. Her husband David Alonso sitting next to her. He ruffled her long, black hair. She is still exhausted from the previous night. On Christmas evening, at 20.30, came her first child to the world: Rohan. 3010 grams and fit as a fiddle.

+ nurse Joe Kaiser©Max Wochinger

“We actually had planned a cosy Christmas at home,” says the native Indian. Your child should not come until two weeks later. Now you can spend Christmas in the hospital. To third. Father David Alonso is allowed to sleep next to her. Until new year’s eve, the mother must remain still in the hospital. The visibly proud father says, beaming: “The most beautiful Christmas I’ve ever had.” The freshly baked parents are the Team from the neonatal unit are very grateful to the both of stress.

Joe Kaiser is the First day of Christmas, a day like any other day in the hospital. He is a nurse in the Department of Internal medicine. Kaiser is working throughout the Christmas holidays, he on new year’s eve. He volunteered for the service on Christmas day: “Almost all of my friends are nurses. The need to work,“ says Kaiser. His father was a policeman and I have always worked on holidays. To work on Christmas, is for the Emperor, therefore, quite normal. The holiday surcharges should not forget, also, says the nurse,

Emperor is trying to create on his Station, Christmas spirit, cookies, and Christmas music. In the staff room some of the staff provide the right atmosphere: have Breakfast Together and drink alcohol-free mulled wine. The big kitchen is giving away in addition, Santas, and hearts of chocolate. In some rooms, a children’s choir. The majority of patients still want to go home. “Understandable,” says the Emperor, and finds also a bit of a shame, because at Christmas he would have a lot more time for the patients.

+ resident Andreas Huber©Max Wochinger

Andreas Huber is wistful when he thinks of home. He is in the third year of his specialist training in intensive care in Erding. Almost all of the rooms at his Station are occupied. Here are people with severe inflammation of the kidneys or heart diseases, Huber says.

The Holy night, the assistant to the celebrated doctor with family in his native village in the Bavarian forest. It was hard for him, that he had to go on Christmas eve before bed. He would have played even longer with his nieces. On this Sunny, First day of Christmas but he has an early shift, and he needs to stay awake. “My shift lasts for twelve hours,” says Huber, and runs his fingers through his light brown hair.

He enjoys it a little, that he has the Christmas of a lot of time for his patients and their families. “Today, I have already spoken with a few members,” says the young assistant doctor. About the terrible disease he had been talking with them. To talk about the condition of the patient, was not easy. He attempts it but, as empathetic as he can.

Huber, recalls past new year’s eve. He also had service in the hospital. Only one patient in a wheelchair was at that time on its Station. All alone. “All the colleagues are gone, at midnight, in front of the hospital, around the fire watch the work,” says the resident. Since you have your patient a glass of champagne pressed into the Hand, and outside, tells Huber. “She was so happy. That was nice.“

At Klinikum Erding is shown on this First day of Christmas, the true message of Christmas: people, give the sick healing. People who help other people.

Max Wochinger