The free singer the coalition for action for the bees-the petition raises serious allegations against the citizen office. What is there to be pre-fall, was “incredible”.

Freising– Freisinger action Alliance for the people’s initiative “Save the bees” is thrilled about the popularity. Yet greater the pleasure would be if there were complaints about the citizens ‘ office in the town of Freising. What urge there to the outside, according to the ÖDP-circle Chairman Ulrich Vogl “incredible”.

First of all, the Positive from the point of view of Angela Kern, coordinator of the coalition for action, with Around 80 offices traffic controllers had reported to you, reported to you on Wednesday evening at halftime of the registration period. You see, “how worried are the people”. But what to do when one is bedridden, if you don’t have a way to get to city hall? The magic word is: registration certificate. Anyone can apply for a in “his” city hall and then a Person of his confidence to do so, for the preservation of biodiversity.

the seriously ill and old people bad luck

However, in the citizens ‘ office in Freising, which is apparently not known to all. Johanna Stadler, Pettenbrunn, for example, wanted to know, how your 90-year-old aunt, who was on foot, could enter. The information provided by the lady at the counter: Then the aunt could not sign. The your boss is the head of the public offices, Michael Eberwein – so said. The have raised Stadler then, have confirmed this view. A registration is only possible if the Person can come by in person. Stadler has made clever and is quick to come to the fact that it is provided with a registration certificate, although a bit complicated, but possible.

+ Michael Eberwein, head of the Ombudsman’s office,has all the blame. ©Archive

FT-demand-can’t remember eberwein in a conversation. “I don’t know about.” And certainly not could it be, that he had made such a statement. If, then, a misunderstanding.

Multiple persons in front of the head

But Johanna Stadler’s experience is not an isolated case. An Elderly woman, who had come to the press conference of the coalition for action on Wednesday, reported something Similar: her husband had a broken leg and could not leave the house. As you have asked in the citizens ‘ office, as he could for the people of desires to enter, you will get the information: you don’t know. You researched then, as Johanna Stadler, and came also to the thing with the Registration form. And again: “This is a little complicated, but it is.” The lady in the office knew nothing about it, have you perceived as annoying.

The Affected are awaiting clarification of WHETHER or not

Paul Fiegert, one of the offices of pilot, has made such an experience: A young woman who works in a nursing home, have turned for help to him, because you have no way of, like bed-ridden residents of the nursing home can sign.

The action Alliance does not want to all accept it without comment. Therefore, as Vogl said the FT, the ÖDP in the city Council yesterday to a written question on WHETHER Tobias Eschenbacher, and asked for clarification.

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“A bit of good exercise for everyone”: ÖDP-circle Director Angela core is contrary to objections of the BBV