if you Wanted a career in the past, a pendulum, then you are a member of the Rotary club, or other traditional networking club. Since the advent of social media has come in contact with, and stay with all those for you to be able to do a lot easier. The networking club history?
Recently, in case of the freelance checks social media expert, and composer Claire van Bavel (27) the communication is for a large duurzaamheidsevenement, organised by the Rotary Club in the Country. “A great job,” she says.
the organizers of the event, in its camps, it was not an accident. Van Bavel has been for the past four years as a member of Rotaract, the jongerentak of the most prestigious networking club of Rotary, which, in the Netherlands, about five hundred clubs to have. In fact, they have a department of the Utrecht hill Ridge itself was formed.
Although the networks are, according to Van Bavel, the main reason for this is that they can become a member, it would be a nice side-effect. “The Rotary club has negentienduizend members. They are often engaged in interesting organizations and companies,” she says. “Thanks to my membership, I have come to easily to them to contact us. For example, in the meetings, but also through a special chat for members.”
traditionally, these were from the United States of america music ‘service club’ the place to be for the upper strata of society in order to reach up to do it. Doctors, lawyers, and members of the business community joined here to do volunteer work, and networking.
please Bring your own network
” But why would you, as a man in his twenties in the year 2020, it will also become a member of a networking club? Van Bavel is a pool of interesting contacts have been made to find out, she as a Rotaract member will also have a lot of obligations. Thus, it is expected that they will attend bi-weekly meetings, as well as contributing to the volunteer projects. In a message posted on LinkedIn is a whole lot easier?
“most of The people know about ended up a lot more people than they think.”
Jochem Klijn, network expert
“It’s expanding and maintaining your network, it is with the advent of social media is indeed a lot easier,” says networking expert: Jochem Klijn. Before you join a networking club is, according to him, it also makes sense for the network to which you are already very good in the future. “A networking club, the number of people that, you know, bigger,” he says. However, most of the people know about ended up a lot more people than they think. So first let’s have coffee with the people in your existing network, which is an interesting thing to do.”
However, not everyone has the desire to be constantly LinkedIn-messages-to-send, and it is as a networking club, according to Van Bavel, as a result. Contact us on LinkedIn is has considerably fewer constraints,” she says. “A person may not want to appear to be a message to respond to, or you see a message on the head with it. If you are facing a person at a networking lunch or dinner, this will not happen very quickly.”
strong> a Variety of types of netwerkclubs
When she joined the Rotoract, it was From Bavel, in the first instance, nothing to do with the network to do so. “I wanted to do something useful for society,” she says. This is rather the exception than the rule. “Most business owners to join a networking club, because they are more well-paying and interesting jobs” to do, according to network expert Klijn.
“The majority of businessmen to join a networking club, because they are more well-paid and interesting jobs were looking for.”
Jochem Klijn, network professional
Where are the networking with the Rotary club in a more indirect manner, there are a lot of netwerkclubs, where it is more business-like aspect to the tone. In this club you can join, depends on what your goal is. “If you have the knowledge and experience to share, you have the most of a networking club, with people who are in your field of expertise,” says Klijn. If you find any new commands will apply to it, according to him, the other criteria.
– Via a networking club to be in contact with your target audience
“there was A big misconception is that it is easy to become a member of a club where your target market goes,” says Klijn. “Then you’re going to sales pitch to keep and restore the people as well.” This is according to networking expert, then also the sense to join a club where there are people who have come into contact with your target audience. “You want to have and that you recommend it. That is a lot more stronger about it.”
at Least, it is equally important that you feel at home. Thus, it will be of a prestigious nature of the Rotary for a long time does not appeal to everyone. Klijn recommends, therefore, that in the various clubs. “As for the atmosphere, you don’t like, it’s very difficult for networking.”