After the RAID at the Gymnasium Tegernsee, the investigations are in full swing. The police is still silent because of the ongoing investigation.

Tegernsee – The dissemination of “inappropriate image material”. last Friday a RAID on the Gymnasium Tegernsee result Also on Monday, a spokesman for the police headquarters of upper Bavaria was not allowed to Express themselves even closer to the case, because the competent public Prosecutor’s office Munich II, has imposed a news blackout. “From the investigation tactical reasons”, such as the police spokesman Alexander Huber.

The tip had come from the school itself. About the police had been informed of Bad Wiessee on Friday that in a WhatsApp group with offensive images have been passed on. The officials responded quickly, carried out a RAID and seized mobile phones from students, in part home to their place of residence. “Now is the time to check, who has taken over in the group what is the role of,” says Huber. The investigation has taken the police.

Oberholzner to RAID at the Gymnasium Tegernsee: “The incident shocked me completely”

Also on the school self-Director, Werner oberholzner has to hold back with Comments. “The incident shocked me completely,” admits oberholzner. He was working closely with the police.

How does the high school with the incident? “Dealing with the media has for years been subject at the school,” emphasizes the Director. “We actually have a comprehensive media education to the invitations of professionals. As you might assume already, that the students on dealing with the media would know about it and smart enough not to do certain things. Already I am appalled.“

What are the consequences of the case for going to school, you have to think about, says the Director. In a “brief letter” had already been informed last weekend parents about the incident.

you can read here: Similar case in wooden churches.
