turn in the case of a 52-year-old stewardess, a group of Africans offended in August 2018 racist to have: The woman gets away without punishment.

Rosenheim/Traunstein – The district court of Traunstein has spoken to the woman who had been sentenced at the beginning of June the district court of Rosenheim, to a fine of 2800 euros, free. “It was left with substantial doubt as to the charge to love all”, noted the judge. “A Tatnachweis was by no means lead to.”

The case had caused a commotion: a woman was accused of seven Africans insulted and denied access to a Bus that served as a rail replacement bus service. The stewardess got them with the words “out, Out! Black animals I’m not taking“, on the Boarding detained the men.

racism trial: woman denies vehemently

An allegation the 52-rejected Years of vehemently. Four of the men had had no ticket, and you wanted to send it to the machine. The passengers refused, the stewardess. It came to a battle of words, which you’ve excluded the men of travel.

The Rosenheimer court had given the Africans Believe. Completely different, the lay judges Tribunal estimated in Traunstein the events. After eight witnesses – four Africans, two police officers, the bus driver and a passenger belongs to had been, came to the court to the conclusion that the witnesses “in the course of the proceedings, in the essential points of the action” would have objected to.

By racism-the process in Traunstein: stewardess eases

“My client is, of course, very relieved,” commented the lawyer of the stewardess for the acquittal. Such allegations against a railway employee is not an isolated case, he reported. The frequency of how often employees with these allegations would face, want to the Bavarian Oberland GmbH, operator of the Meridian, do not comment. The company had strengthened the stewardess in the back.

M. Weinzierl

Accidentally by a friend (61) was the black rider. However, the story took an incredible turn.

A Meridian is between Bad Endorf, Rosenheim, be. Only after hours of driving may require guests to another train.