A 22-Year-old with a new acquaintance in the town – what happens then, see the young man not to come.

pour – A 22-Year-old has made at the Giessen train station, an acquaintance with which he moved through the night. But as the young man hugged his new mate cash in Hand, he had to a Surprise experience . About the incident extratipp.com* reported.

casting: man thinks he has a new buddy to celebrate – but this takes bad end

What’s happening? Recently, two men met at the Giessen train station to know, and decided to pull through the night . From the train station, the two men made their way into the Frankfurter Straße. There, the 22-Year-old, should be briefly later on the victim of a crime, took 100 euros from his account . The police on Wednesday. Together they walked on the Wilhelmstrasse in the direction of the road Rodthol – then it happened!

At 2.30 o’clock in the night of the drunken 22-Year-old his supposed buddy pressed 70 Euro in the Hand. Said, he would get alcohol and let the young man in this Faith at an intersection in pouring back. But the Unknown had made with the money other plans, and from the dust. The police noted that the offender has probably taken advantage of the drunken state of the Gießeners.

Unknown offender steals money – the police pour determined

The brazen thief should be between 25 and 27 years old, and black hair and a full beard. He was about 1.70 to 1.80 meters tall and spoke accent-free English. At the time he was wearing dark clothing. Notes about the Taraftarium man to accept the police in the casting under the 0641/7006-3555. The extratipp.com*reader wonder currently about this message: Young man lies unconscious on the sidewalk, a red BMW is a mystery.

Natascha Berger

* extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.