TV ROYALTY 2022. If you are still paying the housing tax, a new date for reimbursement of the audiovisual license fee is scheduled for next October. All the details in our dedicated article.

[Updated September 21, 2022 at 8:16 a.m.] The TV license fee has been permanently abolished as part of the purchasing power law aimed at protecting the poorest households from the rising cost of living. This local tax of 138 euros will therefore be fully refunded to you before the end of 2022. A timetable has been put in place to allow you to obtain this refund depending on your situation. For taxpayers exempt from housing tax, it is settled, the refund has taken place. Conversely, if you are still paying the housing tax, the reimbursement of the audiovisual license fee has not yet arrived.

In this case, the full refund will reach you by automatic bank transfer in October 2022. For the time being, no exact date has been communicated by the executive. Note that a second option is also possible, it is a reduction of what you have to pay under the housing tax, if the amount of the monthly payments already withdrawn is lower than the amount of housing tax due for 2022. To ensure that the payment is received, a transfer labeled “REMB.EXCD.IMPOT” must appear on your bank statement. As a reminder, the abolition of the audiovisual license fee represents a shortfall of 3.7 billion euros for the State which will be compensated by a transfer of a fraction of the VAT proceeds until the end of 2024.

The removal of the tv license fee will give rise to different reimbursements during the months of September and October 2022. There are three main situations, here they are:

In 2021, the public audiovisual contribution amounted to 138 euros, for everyone and regardless of the composition of your household or the number of televisions. Overseas, it was lower since it stood at 88 euros. As a reminder, the contribution to public broadcasting had to be paid each year before its abolition in the summer of 2022. Since 2005, it was backed by the housing tax. Its amount was therefore listed on the local tax notice.

The amending finance law (LFR) for 2022 published in the Official Journal of August 17, 2022 abolishes from 2022 the contribution to public broadcasting which makes it possible to finance public broadcasting. This fee, which brought in 3.7 billion euros to the State, will be offset by a transfer of a fraction of the VAT proceeds until the end of 2024. The abolition of the fee is part of the government’s desire to reduce the taxes of the French in the face of the constant rise in inflation for several months. It is also possible to mention the abolition of the housing tax which will concern all owners of their main residence in 2023.

Find out you owe the TV license fee and want to know if there are any exemption situations? Here are the taxpayers who are not subject to this tax:

Remember that the reference tax income must also not exceed certain ceilings. Here are the benchmark tax income limits not to be exceeded: