German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has visited on the last day of your trip in the Sahel-crisis countries, a civilian-in the EU training mission for security forces in the Nigerien capital of Niamey.

Update from 3. May, 10.21 PM: In the case of a Belgian and a German-led EU Mission EUCAP Sahel Niger Merkel was informed on Friday about Migration, terrorism, organised crime, mobile border control and drug smuggling. Also, the demonstration of a simulated bet at a check point by the Niger border police was planned.

The EUCAP Sahel Niger Mission of the European Union in 2012 was launched. The troupe currently counts 120 European members, including 8 German. Add to this the nearly 60 local employees. The Mission is to support the Niger police, national guard and Gendarmerie in the fight against Organised crime and terrorism.

Shortly before her return flight to Berlin, the Chancellor visited, founded in 1998, Niger women’s rights organisation, which aims to protect women and children against domestic violence. Merkel has decided to leave the prize for gender equality of the Finnish government of the organization. With the prize money in the amount of 150 000 Euro, the Organisation is now building a private house in the Nigerien capital of Niamey.

Additional financial injections: Merkel says Niger’s support in the fight against instability

Update from 2/. May, 22.31 PM: With additional financial injections in the areas of safety, health and development, wants to help Germany to Niger, not in violence and instability. The West African Sahel state was declaring illegal Migration in a special way in the fight, said Merkel on Thursday evening after a Meeting with Nigerien President Mahamadou Issoufou in the capital, Niamey. The Federal government will continue its efforts to get German development projects “really good Run”.

Angela Merkel has in your to Friday lunch visit to Niger, a number of initiatives in the Luggage that you want to Issoufou for the stabilization of his country’s support. The country is threatened by the growing violence of Islamist terrorists. Issoufou stressed that the Libyan crisis was the reason for the destabilization of the Sahel countries. “The struggle we are waging here in the Sahel region is a battle we are waging for the security of the whole world.”

criticism against Merkel’s visit in Niger: “the population is not in front of attacks protected”

Berlin – Before the visit of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Niger, the aid organization Medico International criticises the fact that in the African state, the right to Demonstration and freedom of expression is increasingly restricted. “The South of Libya that borders Niger has become an important Partner of the European policy on Migration. That is why Europe looks at human rights violations are not as accurate,“ said on Thursday the migration assistant to Ramona Lenz.

Also, you criticised the fact that the Region had become with the international military presence, safe. “The number of militias has multiplied and the state in many areas less present than before.”

Merkel promises support in the fight against Terror and for stability

In large Parts of the Sahel, an area South of the Sahara, stretching from the Atlantic to the Red sea are terrorist groups, and criminal networks active. The EU supports the so-called G5-Sahel States of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad in the establishment of a joint military force to combat terrorism and organised crime. Germany and France are hoping for more security for Europe and a decrease in illegal Migration.

Angela Merkel is expected on Thursday evening in Niger. She had said on Wednesday in Burkina Faso, the G5-Sahel States broad support in the fight against Islamist terrorism, and for more stability.

population will not be protected from attacks of armed troops

Medico-Partner Moussa Tchangari, Secretary General of the journalists Association Alternative Espaces Citoyens Niger, said that despite the massive presence of international troops, the population will be protected from attacks of armed troops. “This provides a great displeasure. Because it means it is Not just to our security here, but rather the protection of Europe against terrorism and Migration.“ Recently, it has been Angela Merkel in a dialogue with the citizens in the state of Brandenburg Schwedt critical questions about their refugee policy.
