Apps on the iPhone you can only load on Apple’s platform. US-consumers want to overturn this restriction by action. The US Supreme court agreed with the lawsuit.

Washington – The U.S. Supreme court has allowed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, with the consumer want to force Apps for iPhone and iPad can be provided on the group’s past directly to the customer. Currently, applications for the mobile may be devices only through Apple’s App Store. Apple checked it and can you banish in the case of rule violations from the App Store. In addition, the group collects a portion of the proceeds.

User lawsuits against Apple

argue The plaintiffs, and Apple have magnetized the market for Apps on the iPhone and iPad unlawfully Monopoli. Thus, there is less competition and the consumers to higher costs. Apple retains a portion of the proceeds of sale, as well as other platforms work. Therefore, the decision of the Supreme court could also trigger lawsuits against other providers.

Apple App-Store tried-action reject

Apple wanted to achieve that the action is dismissed. The company relied on an old decision of the Court, and not argued, an antitrust complaint from iPhone owners was permissible because you purchased the Apps with developers, and not Apple. The US Supreme court rejected the appeal on Monday. Thus, the method may take its course.

judge Brett Kavanaugh argued in the decision, would have taken the court on Apple’s reasoning, in principle, it would demonstrate a monopoly in a way you could just by a clever design of their Deals, the competition of control. It was a close decision, 5 to 4 votes and the Conservative Kavanaugh solid, the linearized with his four liberal colleagues, while the four remaining Conservatives voted against it.

Apple said in return: “We are confident that we’ll prevail, if the facts are presented, and that the App Store is not a monopoly, how to measure it.” Prices would be set by the App developers and Apple plays no role. The vast majority of applications are free of charge.

Whether this is a Problem for the new, planned Apple products? It is more likely that the Fans of Apple will remain faithful to.

Apple sees no advantage and safety in the foreground

The group has always stressed the advantage of a higher safety for the users, if only approved applications can come to the devices. In the case of the competing Smartphone-System Android Google Play Store has a comparable level of security – but users can download Apps from other sources. In some of these other Download platforms, there are always problems with malicious software.

In Apple’s App Store and other Download-platforms such as Google’s Play Store for Android devices – it is common for App providers get 70 percent of revenues, while 30 percent remain with the platform operator. This also applies for purchases within Apps. In the case of Software subscriptions Apple demands from the second year, 15 percent of sales.

This pricing model is already being attacked by the music streaming market leader Spotify, which has submitted a competition complaint with the European Commission. Spotify argues that the service was at a disadvantage compared to the competition offering Apple Music, because he had to make a part of its revenue contracts on the iPhone, while Apple get as a platform operator the entire amount.

Apple stock falls after antitrust action

Apple’s share closed after the announcement of the decision of the Supreme court with a drop of almost six percent. Should be in the main the current App-Store model for the competition process be declared illegal, could Apple miss a high income and also the massive repayments threaten.

In the “Illinois Brick” case, on the Apple based its request for a dismissal of the action, it was in the 70s, to the construction industry. The state of Illinois had sued to block manufacturers for price fixing, he had paid too much for state building. The Supreme court dismissed the lawsuit at the time, however, because the building blocks of representative contractors, but not by the Federal government itself has been at the manufacturers purchased.

problems with the cartel office not only may Apple, but also Facebook in terms of Collecting user data.
