The people’s initiative “biodiversity” has provided in recent weeks for controversial discussions between the proponents and the opponents. In Peiting the farmers want to go ahead now, and the dialogue with the citizens are looking for. Together, the municipality shall be brought in the truest sense of the Bloom.

Peiting – On Tuesday, the initiators of the people’s desire “species diversity had reached” your goal. More than a Million voters had signed in the city halls, the necessary Quorum of 950 000 signatures was done. “This was to be expected,” says Silvia Schlögel. The Peitinger farmer has jointly charged with the Second Ortsbäuerin Stefanie Wörnzhofer and the BBV-ortsvorst landscape of the press event on their farm. The people desire, is it not only the citizens, but also the farmers. Bauer President Walter Heidl defendant recently, the farmers would be made in the types of protection “scapegoat”. Schlögel puts it differently. Although on the part of the agriculture a lot for the conservation of nature is to be done, this was not arrived, apparently, so far, in the case of consumers, the Peitingerin sober.

But the head in the Sand Schlögels thing is not stuck – on the contrary. Together with Ortsbäuerin Martina Prielmeier and her Deputy, Stefanie Wörnzhofer the Peitingerin has the action “Peiting blooms” concocted. The idea is that farmers provide additional surfaces along their fields for flower strips available for their care but, in turn, the citizens are responsible. “We thought we take in the duty, signed up for the rescue of the bee,” says Schlögel. According to the Motto: he Who says A must also say B.

In the last days you have spoken with the local farmers, reported Wörnzhofer. The feedback had been very positive. The Birkländer BBV local wool will also participate, supplemented Schlögel. Also the municipality is in the action on Board. You will also make space available, confirmed construction yard chief Tim Osterhaus.

Great Info-event in the castle hill hall

The starting shot on 11. March with a large-scale information event in the castle hill hall. “Of course, we hope that the hall is bursting at the seams,” says Wörnzhofer with views of great euphoria, which have triggered the people’s desire. In the case of the appointment may not enter the Peitinger only in the lists for the care of the flower strips, but also in a presentation by garden expert Nicole Hechenrieder, how can his own Empire at home possible bee-friendly. Because many don’t know which plants are actually insects are friendly, says Schlögel. “The typical geraniums on the balcony, it’s not.”

day of action on 5. May

Expected to be on 5. May should be a day of action vigorously tackled. Because before sown, you must be prepared for the arable land. Stones up picking, weeding: they wanted To show people how much work behind the stick, says Wörnzhofer. And is not done with a day. The goal is that the citizens take care of throughout the summer your area. Just in the first year, a lot of care was needed, white also Easter house, the care of meadows for the community already, some of the flowers. “We are as dependent on the Use of the citizens.” To whom is the work around for physical reasons, is too much for you, you can support the campaign financially, in which he donates money for the purchase of flower seeds. A financial Foundation is already in place, says Schlögel. The local banks have pledged their support, she says. After all, flower seeds suggest for a hectare of land with around 600 euros.

And a target track, the initiators with their plans: The action is a Chance to come up with the Peitingern into the conversation, and to bring agriculture closer, says Schlögel. “Many do not even know why we do some things or not.”