hundreds of Fans of the TSV 1860 are locked in the relegation play-off second leg match against Regensburg and rioted in the Allianz Arena. One of the rioters now got the verdict.

Munich – Even one and a half years after the scandal, the game, serious riots to deal with the judiciary. With Andreas P. (23) on Friday again a Hooligan before the court. The indictment: a particularly difficult country to peace and dangerous bodily injury. Like about 100 other anarchists P. had disguised himself – he tore at the Fanggnetz and threw his 4.5 kg heavy shell in the direction of the police. A whole dog had to be hundred of them, to tame the Mob. Around ten minutes the game crash even threatened!

+ Andreas P. a rampage in the relegation game, and was sentenced by the district court: He got a year and four months on probation©Sigi Jantz

“You have to say: What happened there is almost unbelievable,” scolded judge Christiane Thiemann. “With all understanding for the frustration and disappointment: you have taken the whole stadium apart. Only with luck, no one was seriously injured.“

“It’s a space storm fear”

Because the rioters are also flag poles, batteries, glass bottles and even sharp-edged angle iron, threw to the police. “It was to be feared, a space storm,” said a chief of police as a witness. He had converted Andreas P. by video analysis. Scene knowledgeable officials identified the Hooligan, which at the time was in court, a confession. “I’m sorry for the whole thing to the extreme, which has shaken everything up”, said Andreas P. “We wanted to hurt anyone. Our action is, unfortunately, went completely out of control.“

Explosive: P. already had to ban two-year-old stadium, and was illegal in the Arena. “What were you thinking?”, the judge asked. “Apparently not much,” replied the defendant. Him, the court verdonnerte to one year and four months in prison on probation.

find out More: Munich scandal game: This game would have been cancelled

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