, The proportion of young people who use Facebook regularly, back.

Update 27. November: Only 15 percent of young people in Germany according to a recent survey Facebook. In comparison to 2017 “declined the use of a further ten percentage points”, cited the “Handelsblatt” on Tuesday from the study of youth Information, the media of the media education research Association southwest (MPFS). On top of the Internet communication of young people is WhatsApp with 95 per cent. The MPFS interviewed 1200 young people between the ages of twelve and 19 years. The proportion of young people who use Instagram regularly, rose to 67 percent – an increase of ten percentage points compared to the previous year. Snapchat grew from 49 percent to 54 percent. In order to inform, build the youths according to the survey, on traditional tenders: at the top of the list of trusted media and issues of the day of the ARD. Regional daily Newspapers and public broadcasting to follow.

Massive trouble with Facebook Elexbet – User with a sense of humour: “the Influencer in front of the labour office spotted”

News from the 20. November : Munich, Germany – Apparently, Facebook has been struggling globally with technical problems. Users from different countries report since Tuesday morning, have difficulty to Log and Post on the social network, as it is to see on the map of the portal downdetector.com . In the last 24 hours, about 5000 error messages were given. Most of Europe, the USA and South America are affected.

Facebook itself has confirmed the fault with a Post on Twitter. “We know that some people have problems with the Facebook App. We are working to resolve the fault as quickly as possible”, – stated in the short message. The reason for the problems Facebook is not called, however. According to downdetector.com Instagram should be equally affected by the disorder.

On Twitter, many Users take the Hashtag #Facebook down the fault with a sense of Humor is:

Also interesting: WhatsApp-Update can have dire consequences for the User Which you should do now.

also read: Lena Meyer-Landrut provides Fans a question at Instagram – but many discuss your new photo.
