With “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” Nintendo is the last great hit of the year 2018. Click here for the Test.

Peaceful Christmas, love of all places – of all things Nintendo, the company play with the fantastic children, may or may not keep to this Motto. Just in time for the Japanese Mario-inventors have published with “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” for the Switch console, the last great hit of the year 2018.

this is outrageously charming “Hau ma” whopping Mario and 73 of his friends on a whim – until one of them out of the Ring and flies. Christmas peacefully, although this is not essential. But if the Dino Yoshi turns his opponent into an Egg, which is so amusing that the age rating for 12-Year-old fits. So incredibly much there is to see, hear and be amazed – because Losing even fun.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Trailer

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the Test: One of the best games of the year

Super Smash Bros. has long been one of the biggest gaming brands of Nintendo, about on par with the series Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda or Mario Kart. The game principle of the colourful beating game: The opponent out of the Arena. On 7. December – year’s end – has Nintendo brought Super Smash Bros. Ultimate one of the best games of the year. The Game offers a vast amount of characters, arenas and music – and by the way, months-long game of fun. In short: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fans offers all the essence of the brand has always been – and the bigger and better than ever before.

where should you start? We remain, however, in the case of the characters. The basic idea behind Super Smash Bros. is indeed a kind of family reunion of the Nintendo characters to a fast-paced fight. In the previous Sharing of the series, there were a the Community always Gemaule: Why is this figure? And why not? The Nintendo prevents in the case of Super Smash Bros Ultimate in such a way that just about all video game characters are represented.

You start the game with those eight characters that were in the first part of the Super Smash Bros. game. After you use it to unlock 66 more characters. That sounds like an enormous amount of time. No! In fact, a new character is added within minutes.

The special Feeling of the series, Super Smash Bros., Ultimate offers at its best: Super Mario fights in Metal Gear Solid Arena against Cloud from Final Fantasy VII What is in this game of characters and arenas at the Start, practical needs are Represented, among other things, the Franchises Mega Man, Kirby, Super Mario, Street Fighter, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and Pokémon.

as we know, the Super Smash. Bros. Play is a Juxtaposition of clever combo-actions, and wild Button Mashing in the Battles. In Betsmove the case of Super Smash Bros Ultimate is no different. Add any amount of Items, which reinforce the respective character and spectacular Final Smashes – the Finisher of the figures.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Test: Intuitive control

By the intuitive controls also Gamer will immediately find the game that had to do with the Super Smash Bros. Games. In addition, there is for all that want to exploit the possibilities of their figure in the fight also a lot of special Moves, Defensive actions, or the spectacular aerial acrobatics.

You quickly get used to the special damage display: The replaces the from other Prüglern well-known health bar with a percent indicator: the higher the damage percentage, the more the characters in Smash attacks fly. And if it throws the opponent off the screen or falls, then you have won.

The Star of the game, the new Ghost mode: sends the player wandering through a vast game Board, one is freed from the ghosts possessed comrade-in-arms. A sophisticated framework for action as in Metal Gear Solid you should not expect in the case of this Story mode. But why? If you take up a game like Super Smash Bros., Ultimate, first and foremost, entertaining fun and less depth. And so it is okay that the Story provides the framework for each lot Kloppereien. In addition, the Ghost mode makes for a wonderfully varied fights.

However, in the case of Super Smash Bros Ultimate the multi-player battles the most fun. Up to eight players and an infinite number of Special Moves you lose the fast beating fun, fast track. But that is precisely what makes the charm of the game.

And there is always something New to discover: In the air, floating platforms, and wild-Scenes-change in the Fight for bizarre Surprises. Time you jump in the air from the wings of a Starfox-glider to the next. Elsewhere, you find yourself in the minimalist graphics of a Gameboy game. Even the Transitions between multiple Scenes. Further Highlights challenges such as against the tiny Buzz-Buzz or the fire beings Flamberus are exceptional. Be curried and allows the player to continuously fire spit.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Test: The verdict

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate became the successor, to the Fans of the series for years have been waiting for. The game will be up to this Christmas, under some Christmas trees. And that is absolutely fine! With Fights where up to eight players can participate, it is currently probably the best Party-fight-game on the market.

(For Nintendo Switch; 12 years of age; 60 Euro.)