The Huber group closes its production site in Kirchheim. 350 jobs are affected. The closure will be done gradually within a period of two years.

Kirchheim – It was a Bang for the workforce of the Hubergroup in Kirchheim: At the meeting on Thursday, the management of the company informed its employees that the production site is to be closed within the next two years. 350 of the 900 jobs in Kirchheim are affected.

The Huber group, formerly Michael Huber München is a Munich-based traditional company with a long history. For over 250 years the company color prints, provides, in particular for Newspapers and magazines. Thus, the company has also made a name internationally, operates locations in India and in the United States. A total of just under 4000 people work for the company. With an annual turnover of approximately Euro 348 million, the Huber group in Munich is considered to be a so-called “Hidden Champion”, so as a little better known to the Public, is the world market leader.

printing for Newspapers: sales since 2007

However, for years, fighting the pressure of the industry with declining sales. Fewer and fewer people read printed Newspapers and magazines. The orders go back. The competitive environment is highly competitive. “The revenue from the offset printing market, such as in Newspapers, have halved since 2007, more than,” says Heiner Klokkers, spokesman of the management Board of the Huber group. In order to continue to compete and to be able to the cost pressure, have you decided now to step to concentrate the production in Germany completely on the location in the lower Saxony town of Celle, which was prior to the merger, to the Huber group in 2015 as a host Mann-Steinberg Celle known. In Kirchheim, you should have in the coming years, a lot of money in new infrastructure and equipment, invest. Therefore, the decision was finally fell for Celle and against Kirchheim, said Klokkers. The site in Switzerland had been due to the difficult development of the market five years ago close.

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“For us, it is above all a man emphasized a very difficult Situation”, Klokkers. Because the Huber group as well as family businesses, the place a lot of value in a social work environment. “That’s why it was also important for us, the staff to pour as early as possible, pure wine, so that the employees have enough time to reorient themselves.” Currently, talks between the management and the works Council to find socially responsible solutions for the employees.

closure should. be done gradually

the closure of The production is a gradual process within the next two years The headquarters but remains in Kirchheim. Say, all the administrative areas that have to do with the production directly, nothing to be handled here.

Whether the company holds, however, in the future, at the previous address on the feldkirchner street in the commercial area, heimstetten, is still unclear. The fact is that the production buildings are on the 64 000 square metre Area of the main part of the site, and after closing no longer be used. Also a departure from Heimstetten to a different office would be conceivable, said Klokkers. As a Munich-based company wanted to remain in the Region.

facts about the Huber group

1765: founding as a color production company in Munich-Haidhausen by Mathias Mittermayr; 1780: Takeover by Georg Huber; 1815:son of Michael Huber is regarded as the founder of the colour factory in the modern sense. For the first time, the production of printing inks; 1965: company headquarters are moved to heimstetten; 2015: merger of the German companies Michael Huber München and Hostmann-Steinberg Celle to the Huber group Germany GmbH.

other companies from the Region are currently planning to eliminate The pharmaceutical company, Sandoz plans to close by the end of 2020, its development centre in Holzkirchen. In Penzberg, HAP staff have responded with a Protest in front of the gate on the closure of their plant. A few months ago it was announced that K&L wants to close 14 stores.