Christmas is the Feast of gifts – for waste management, this means days of more packaging waste after the celebration.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – Because of the online increasing trade, the need to dispose of the citizens after the holidays more boxes. Pure Späth, Chairman and managing Director of the WGV Quarzbichl, observed this, as he says, “creeping development” for the past five years.

In contrast to the district of Erding, where, after Christmas, the Container days were overflowing literally, moving to the advent in the County in the usual after holidays. “It is always a difficult time,” says Späth. It’ll be “short and concentrated”: “After Christmas we always have an increased volume. But it was not so bad that we couldn’t handle it,“ says the managing Director. There is also a statue in the system, “but it flows again”, describes how to Späth, the workload at the WGV. To come to such a shock quantities, is also due to the fact that due to the holidays, the recycling centers have fewer opening days.

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The introduction of the packaging ton has from the point of view of the WGV by the way. In the district on a monthly basis to be collected between 260 and 280 tons of lightweight packaging, which corresponds to an annual quantity of about 3150 tons. Per capita, the 25 pounds per year. For comparison: In the year 2017, when you had to bring the light packaging self to the recycling center, per capita and year of 12.3 kilograms. In comparison to 2017, the volume of residual waste decreased by six percent. “It shows not only in the Feedback of many customers, but also to the bare Numbers that the packaging ton, which is well accepted and residual waste can be avoided,” says the WGV in a press release.

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The packaging will be brought to two sorting plants in Munich and there, in highly specialized equipment to be processed. Anything smaller than 3.5 cm, sieved, and burned. Who’s throwing the waste in the Yellow bin, you should also make sure that you stuff the packaging into each other, but to the individual throws. In addition, is asked to not throw spray cans in the bin, according to the WGV, it always comes back to explosions: The doses, you should give the gift of mobile or Saturdays after Quarzbichl.

In the district there are only few households that do not have Yellow bin, so Pure Späth. Mostly they were residents in the narrow old city areas, which have no place for another ton. You can submit your easy packaging from 2019, only in the value of fuel stations in Bad Tölz and at the landfill in Greiling, as well as at the recycling center in Wolfratshausen, Geretsried at Malvenweg and in Quarzbichl. From the other material in the collection have been deducted stations, tank to the end of the year.

And one more thing is important: Späth is a reference to a rumor, as a result, all recycling centers will be closed in the district. “That’s total nonsense,” says the managing Director. “You can stay as you are.”