The Tourismusverband Pfaffenwinkel stirred at the exhibition leisure and travel in Munich is quite large, the advertising drum for the first four-star cycle path in upper Bavaria. The route is 202 kilometers long and leads to Ammer and Amper along by six Bavarian districts. The hangman’s daughter is on the ““ applied.

Schongau – Andreas Schmid, Deputy Executive Director of the tourism Association of the Pfaffenwinkel with its headquarters in harrisburg, PA, is pleased that after five long years, a lot of work and a few hurdles, the project is a four-star bike trail in time for the leisure fair from 20. – 24. February could be certified in Munich. “From Oberammergau to Moosburg, where the Amper flows into the Isar, the cyclists have now been largely along the river, and almost a third of the route is located in the district of Weilheim-Schongau,” says Schmid. “It was difficult, because the six counties are involved,” says Schmid, the Bunting districts of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Weilheim-Schongau and Landsberg, as well as the Amper-districts of Dachau, Freising and Fürstenfeldbruck.

“A River bike path only makes sense if the path really leads largely along the river,” explains Schmid. In order to realize the path that you have laid a part of the already existing bike path, especially in the local district: Between Peiting-South and hohenpeißenberg, it now goes directly down to the Slapping. “A wonderful piece”, as Schmid, only the cyclists coming through now Hohenpeißenberg.

Also, the Online presence can be seen: you have included all the important information at a glance, GPS data for Download. The new path is not only for those who worth it, who want to make a multi-day Tour – and in one of the Bed & Bike accommodation stay. Also, who is planning just a day trip, you can canvass the different stages in one piece and with the train or the S-Bahn back to. “The ideal,” Schmid said.

The route itself offers some news: “The big advantage is, from South to North, it always goes downhill, who wants it to be sporty, runs from North to South.”

Nevertheless, it was the first certification by the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) – the signs in one of the counties – Freising – that was not rule-compliant. But now everything fits – there is a single, new signage, and the certification comes just in time for the fair.

member of Parliament for Andrea Jochner-Weiß, as Chairman of the tourism Association of Pfaff angle in Munich at the time of Delivery to be present – on Wednesday, 20. February, hall A4 at the BR show stage (13.20-13.30).

This stage is in the center of the common state of the neighbouring tourism associations in Weilheim-Schongau, Ammersee-Lech tourism Association of Starnberg Five-lakes-country, the Tölzer Land tourism, tourism Association of the Ammergau Alps and the large tourism Association of upper Bavaria, Munich (TOM). “Everyone is allowed to play on this stage, which is an added bonus,” says Schmid.

+ advertising for the hangman’s daughter-watch the game to make the actors of the Schongauer theatre Association greenhouse of 20. – 24. February on the leisure and travel fair “Fri.e.e“ in Munich, Germany.©Fuhrmann

Play is a wonderful keyword, because this will do in the truest sense of the word, the actor of the Schongauer club greenhouse On Friday, 22. February, present to the performer in advance of the festival “The hangman’s daughter and the game of death”. On the show stage of the Bayerischer Rundfunk you want to show a scene of the Pageant (17 to 17.15). In addition, the performer can foothills throughout the day at the joint stand of the Bavarian Alps, the stirring drum.

Also in the framework of the Freizeit Messe was an employee of the tourism Association of the Pfaff angle, the Schongauer Andreas Klaus Mann, the award for “eCoach”. He is the contact person for all members of the Association have a technical question about the reservation system, a sort of Association of its own Hotline. He gets a deed from Roland Refuses to presented. He is the Secretary of state in the Bavarian state Ministry for economy, regional development and energy.