Betina Westernacher, Stefan and Chymyn were niece and uncle, they had a special relationship to each other. Tragically, they died in the Christmas season Gorabet in quick succession, and you will find the last peace.

County –Three months Betina Westernacher has fought against cancer. Just before Christmas, she died at the age of 44 years. Your family – your mom, your daughter, your aunts and uncles, your cousins – mourned on Christmas eve together. Among them “uncle Stef”, Stefan Chymyn, was for Betina like a foster father was. That he should die on the day after, had a feeling there still nobody.

at the beginning of September has not experienced the cheerful, fun-loving Dachauerin, for several years in the Dachau Hinterland lived, that she has cancer. “And then everything went much too fast,” says her cousin, Sandra Huber. The two were life-long. They grew up together in Dachau, went to the same school, met as children every week at grandma’s, played together for hours.

“was Already as a child, Betina did a great deal of at aunt Ilse and uncle Stef”

Betina training at Sport Schuster, where she was in accounting. “They had closed their work and their colleagues, to the heart,” says Sandra Huber. Betina then lived with her first husband in Munich, got their daughter Alina. Then the family moved back to Dachau in the apartment above the of Betina’s aunt and uncle, Ilse Schmidt and Stefan Chymyn.

“even as a child, Betina was a lot at aunt Ilse and uncle Stef,” says Sandra Huber. Betina’s mom, Marianne, was a single parent, in 1990, she married Burkhard, Betina mind very well. “With uncle Stef Betina has made already as a child a lot. In his spare time, he helped out on a farm of close friends in the dachauer Moos. “There he took Betina often.” Stefan Chymyn was born in neuhimmel rich and grew up with three brothers and a sister on a farm in the dachauer Moos. He made the age of 14, training at MTU and was there all his life. “Uncle Stef could deal well with children, also has lured the shy kids quickly out of the Reserve,” recalls Sandra.

The diagnosis of cancer came in September

a few years Ago, Betina, who is described by her cousin, Sandra, as “always loving and in a good mood”, moved to the Dachau Hinterland. However, the connection to Sandra and Daniela, the third cousin, remained tight. “We have always said that we need to stick together because we are three cousins are single children,” says Sandra. The three introduced the “cousin Breakfast”, met regularly, went to the movies, out to eat, took Selfies of themselves. Betina’s step-dad Burkhard said once to a photo “the Gruselgusten” and so called them from then on, the whole family.

Also, for the 2. September of this year, had planned the three cousins to Meet. However, Betina said, because she was in the hospital. From an unglamorous diagnosis of an incurable cancer was in the end unfortunately. She endured in the short amount of time, many painful surgeries and started Chemo. “Unfortunately, she had, despite all the hope, never a Chance of recovery, since the cancer was just too aggressive.”, Sandra Huber says.

just before Christmas, succumbed to Betina Westernacher of your illness

the end of November, Betina came home, but it went from day to day worse. She wanted to be fed again to the hospital, a palliative care team at home. “We were able to watch their decline,” says Sandra Huber. Her second husband, with whom she was for over ten years together and they married in July, allowed her to die at home. The last days of her daughter Alina were, now 20 years old, and her cousin Sandra almost around the clock. 18. December died Betina Westernacher, just before Christmas.

Stefan Chymyn dies on the first day of Christmas

celebrate Christmas, no one in the family this year, wanted to – although on Christmas eve getting all the goods together. “As I said, we can also be sad, and all have invited us,” said Sandra Huber. “Our family, the Good is also in such moments.” So the family came on Christmas eve to the Hubers to Dachau-Ost. Uncle Stef and aunt Ilse, adopted early on, because they were so sad. The next Morning, an aneurysm burst in Stefan Chymyn. He died on Christmas day at the age of 71 years, and was followed by Betina Westernacher, which was for him like a daughter.

uncle and niece together last find peace

Stefan Chymyn and Betina Westernacher will work together to find the final resting. The families of the two can be comforted in this difficult time, but you have many beautiful memories of shared experiences. With this beautiful saying of the family to say farewell: “I can’t stay long,” whispers the moment of Happiness. “But I put a reminder to heart.”

The urn burial will be held on Monday, 7. January, at woodland cemetery in Dachau.

see also:

grandson (30) and grandpa (96) on the same day, buried – this is the reason

Johannes Bersenkowitsch and Josef Weingärtner from Weichs were grandson and grandfather. They died in quick succession and found on the same day, the last resting how* reported.