On the run from the police killed an 18-Year-old in Heppenheim, a woman. Against him a warrant for murder was issued.

Update 31. December 2018, 17.15: The district court of Darmstadt issued on Monday an arrest warrant for the accident driver, who had a wife one. The police informed that due to homicidal murder against him is determined. In the accident that had occurred during his escape from the police, was also injured in the 18-year-old driver difficult. He is still in the hospital. After the treatment, he should be in jail.

About the accident was the driver of Heppenheim on the run

Update 31. December 2018, 12: 55 PM: trigger the escape was the intention of the civil patrol of the highway police to control the vehicle, because of its short time had expired license plates. Such marks are often awarded for test drives. The public Prosecutor’s office ordered that after the accident a blood sample. On Monday you should decide whether an arrest warrant for the 18-Year-olds will adopt.

Update 31. December 2018, 9.05 PM: The public Prosecutor’s office will examine an arrest warrant for the 18-year-old driver who was driving on Sunday night a woman in a Parking lot in the state of Hesse is dead. The heidelberg24.de* reported.

Update 31. December 2018, 8.22 PM: An 18-Year-old rammed on the run from the police in a Parking lot the car of a woman. She was severely injured and died later in the hospital. Also in the car her ten years of sat-old son. However, unlike first assumed, he was wounded only slightly and was, like his father, who had been treated for shock, the hospital later.

fleeing driver takes woman on Parking in Heppenheim dead

Heppenheim – On the run from the highway police, 18 injured-Year-old in a Parking lot in the state of Hesse with his car a woman one and their son hard. Also, the accident the driver suffered serious injuries, the police announced. Police tried to control the young driver on Sunday night on the highway 5 – but the 18-Year-old miss of it stayed the signals and raced.

The accident driver had item no driver’s license

Finally, he drove in Heppenheim into a Parking lot and rammed a parked car, which was pushed by the force of another car. In the rammed car, a 39-year-old woman from Düsseldorf, and her ten-year-old son sat in the father had gone to the toilet. The mother died a little later in the hospital from her injuries. The Boy with serious injuries was taken to a hospital.

As it turns out, the 18-Year-old had no driving licence, the Prosecutor’s office ordered a blood test.

also read: six-year-old from chair lift overthrown: child falls nine meters in depth.


*heidelberg24.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
