
Jack Whitehall, known for his role in Bad Education, is set to star in a new psychological drama series on Prime Video called Malice. In the series, Whitehall plays the character Adam Healey, a charming ‘manny’ who is on a mission to destroy the wealthy Tanner family. The show is set in both London and Greece and promises to be full of dark family secrets, manipulation, and betrayal.

The cast of Malice includes David Duchovny as the Tanner family dad Jamie, Carice van Houten as matriarch Nat, and young actors Harry Gilby, Teddie-Rose Malleson-Allen, and Phoenix Laroche as their children. The supporting cast features Christine Adams, Rianna Kellman, Jade Khan, and Raza Jaffrey.

Whitehall expressed his excitement for the project, describing the filming experience as amazing and working with talented people. He can’t wait for fans to see the end result when Malice launches worldwide on Prime Video next year.

Fans have already started sharing their excitement for the series on social media, with many looking forward to seeing Whitehall in a different type of role. The series is set to stream on Prime Video next year, offering viewers a thrilling and suspenseful storyline to enjoy.

In addition to his role in Malice, Whitehall has recently starred in the comedy series The Afterparty on Apple TV+ and the science fiction romantic comedy Robots. With his versatile acting skills and ability to take on different roles, Whitehall continues to impress audiences with his performances.

As fans eagerly await the release of Malice, Prime Video has released a series of first-look stills featuring the cast in character, giving viewers a glimpse of what to expect from the upcoming series. The picturesque settings of London and Greece serve as the backdrop for the dark and intriguing storyline that will unfold in Malice.

With a talented cast, a gripping plot, and stunning locations, Malice is shaping up to be a must-watch series for fans of psychological dramas. Stay tuned for more updates on the release date and additional details about the highly anticipated Prime Video series.