
Brian Tyree Henry recently shared how Pharrell Williams convinced him to do a musical, despite his initial reservations. The actor had previously vowed to never do another musical, but Pharrell’s persuasion changed his mind.

In an interview, Henry revealed that Pharrell approached him with the idea of doing a musical and emphasized how much he believed in him. The actor was hesitant at first, as he had previously worked on a musical and found the experience challenging. However, Pharrell’s enthusiasm and encouragement ultimately convinced him to take on the project.

Henry expressed his gratitude towards Pharrell for pushing him out of his comfort zone and challenging him to try something new. The actor admitted that he was nervous about taking on the role, but ultimately felt excited about the opportunity to explore a different side of his talents.

The actor’s decision to do the musical paid off, as he received critical acclaim for his performance. Henry’s willingness to step outside of his comfort zone and take a risk ultimately led to a rewarding experience that he will always cherish.

This story serves as a reminder that sometimes, taking a chance and trying something new can lead to unexpected and fulfilling opportunities. Despite his initial reluctance, Brian Tyree Henry’s decision to trust Pharrell’s advice ultimately led to a successful and memorable experience in the world of musical theater.