
The final episode of the Great British Sewing Bee aired on BBC One, crowning the tenth champion of the popular series. The three contestants, Pascha, Luke, and Ailsa, battled it out in a series of challenges, including creating party looks and draping fabric for a full outfit. The winner of the show receives a trophy and the title of Britain’s Best Amateur Sewer, rather than a cash prize.

Pascha, who won the Garment of the Week award in the semi-final, was seen as a strong contender for the title. However, Luke and Ailsa also had a chance to impress the judges, Patrick Grant and Esme Young. The series has been a hit since its debut in 2013, with millions of viewers tuning in every week.

The Great British Sewing Bee continues to captivate audiences with its creativity and skillful sewing challenges. The show has inspired many viewers to take up sewing as a hobby, showcasing the talent and dedication of amateur sewers across the country. As the series comes to a close, fans eagerly anticipate the announcement of the new champion and look forward to future seasons of the beloved show.