
Two content creators on TikTok, Onezwa Mbola and Nara Smith, are in the middle of a heated controversy. Mbola, based in South Africa, has accused Smith of stealing her cooking content ideas, leading to a potential legal battle between the two.

Smith, with nearly 8 million followers, is known for her viral videos that garner millions of views. However, Mbola claims that Smith has been using her ideas to gain views and profit without giving credit where it’s due. In a deleted TikTok video, Mbola expressed her frustration over the situation, citing a specific boba tea demo that she believes Smith copied from her.

In response to Mbola’s accusations, Smith sent a message threatening legal action if the claims were not retracted. She denied the allegations, stating that the videos in question were not her original creations and that she had proof to support her stance.

The breaking point for Mbola came when Smith posted a boba tea video that gained significant traction. Despite Mbola sharing a similar video two days earlier, Smith’s version went viral, sparking outrage among Mbola’s followers who accused Smith of plagiarism.

Despite the online drama, both creators continue to share their regular content on TikTok. Mbola recently posted a video of her Sunday harvest, showcasing her cooking skills and fresh produce. Viewers showed their support for Mbola in the comments, praising her authenticity and creativity.

Similarly, Smith has been sharing videos, including a recent recipe demonstration for her parents’ visit. The ongoing controversy has divided their followers, with many taking sides in the debate over content ownership and originality.

As the feud between Mbola and Smith plays out on social media, it raises important questions about intellectual property and creative inspiration in the digital age. While both creators strive to engage their audiences with unique content, the line between influence and imitation can easily blur, leading to disputes like the one unfolding between Mbola and Smith.