
Ryan Garcia shocked the boxing world when he announced his retirement from the sport at the age of 25. In a series of tweets, Ryan expressed his feelings of being “hurt and done” with boxing, despite acknowledging his talent for entertaining fans and knocking out opponents. He mentioned that he will still be training, but his days as a professional boxer are over, at least for now.

The decision to retire comes on the heels of Ryan’s recent arrest for alleged property damage at a hotel in Beverly Hills. According to reports, he was arrested after causing damage to a guest room and hallway while staying at the Waldorf Astoria. This incident followed a positive drug test for a performance-enhancing substance before his fight against Devin Haney.

In response to the drug test results, Ryan’s team released a statement claiming that he was a victim of substance contamination and that he never intentionally took any banned substances. The statement emphasized Ryan’s commitment to the sport and his advocacy for reform in the industry to address issues like this in the future.

Despite the challenges and controversies surrounding his career, Ryan Garcia remains a talented athlete with a loyal fan base. His decision to retire may be temporary, as he hinted at a possible comeback in the future. In the meantime, he plans to focus on training and staying involved in the sport in other ways.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, it is important to seek help. Resources like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline can provide assistance and support to those in need. Ryan’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing mental health and substance abuse issues in the world of professional sports.