
A new trend is making its way around teenage boys, and it involves chewing a special type of gum to achieve a more defined jawline. This trend is connected to a larger movement called “looksmaxxing,” which focuses on maximizing one’s appearance.

One of the gum brands promoting this idea is Rockjaw, a UK-based company that claims its gum can provide a jawline workout and is chewed by top athletes and CEOs. The concept of “mewing” is also gaining popularity among teens, which involves keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth to reshape the jawline, although its effectiveness is not well-supported by evidence.

While some teenagers like 14-year-old Henry Dixon from Charlotte, N.C., are not too concerned about these trends, others are actively seeking out ways to achieve a more chiseled jawline. Parents, like dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, are starting to question where these ideas are coming from and how social media may be influencing their children’s perceptions of beauty.

Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, a celebrity cosmetic dermatologist, expressed skepticism about the jawline-defining gums and suggested that young people should wait for natural aging processes to enhance their features. As individuals mature into their 20s and 30s, they may naturally develop more defined facial structures, especially if they are thin and fit.

It’s essential for teenagers to consider the long-term effects of trying to alter their appearance at a young age and to prioritize their overall health and well-being. While it’s normal to want to look their best, it’s crucial to remember that true beauty comes from within and that self-confidence is the most attractive quality of all.