Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, the film “Back to Black”, retracing the life and music of Amy Winehouse, is released this Wednesday in cinemas.

Amy Winehouse, her music, her life: the singer is in the spotlight in a new film, which retraces her career and her tragic destiny. Scheduled in French theaters this Wednesday, April 24, the film called Back to Black and directed by Briton Sam Taylor-Johnson takes us into the creation of the record of the same name, considered one of the most legendary albums in contemporary music , but also (and above all?) her chaotic, media-driven and eminently destructive love story with her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil.

Throughout the film, we rediscover the songs that make up the Back to Black album, which sold 16 million copies and won five Grammy Awards. “I wanted to make a film from Amy’s point of view – through her eyes. It is only in the text and melodies of her songs that we can truly perceive her true personality. I chose to tell her story in her own words, from the songs she wrote – songs where she bared her soul. In her songs, she spoke of her loves, her suffering, her disappointments, always with deep emotion. and, more often than not, with fierce humor,” emphasizes director Sam Taylor-Johnson in a press release.

The songs of Amy Winehouse, played by actress Marisa Abela, punctuate the film Back to Black, but a question immediately arises when watching the film: who sings these hits? Hard to believe, given the unique voice that Amy Winehouse had, but it is indeed the actress who plays her who sings the soundtrack to Back to Black.

“Sam [Taylor-Johnson] insisted that she didn’t care if the actress could sing, but it turns out we were really lucky because Marisa [Abela] sang beautifully: She is the one who performs all the songs in the film and she is absolutely extraordinary!” explains Alison Owen, the film’s producer, in a press release. And to the actress, who worked hard to take on the enormous vocal challenge, adds: “it was essential in my eyes to do everything possible to invest myself body and soul in this role.”

To try to achieve a result that matched Amy Winehouse’s recognizable voice, Marisa Abela worked hard: 2.5 hours of singing per day, seven days a week, for four months. “Marisa trained until her voice was able to tell the story in an emotional way that touched us. Therefore, we know it’s not Amy, but she sings with such expressiveness that we don’t even ask the question,” comments Sam Taylor-Johnson.