
Taylor Swift Comments on Lady Gaga Pregnancy Rumors

Taylor Swift is currently on tour in Europe and after Lady Gaga responded to pregnancy rumors with a lyric from Swift, Swift herself has now spoken out. On TikTok, she commented on Gaga’s post.

It is a frustrating topic that many female celebrities are familiar with: their bodies are constantly being judged and commented on. Lady Gaga recently expressed her frustration with a lyric from Taylor Swift, responding coolly to absurd pregnancy rumors about her. “Not pregnant, just devastated and crying at the gym,” she wrote on TikTok, quoting Swift’s song “Down Bad.” Paparazzi photos of Gaga had circulated, sparking intense speculation to the point where fans were already congratulating her on the alleged baby. Now, Taylor Swift has surprisingly weighed in.

“Can we all agree that commenting on a woman’s body is intrusive and irresponsible? Gaga doesn’t owe anyone an explanation, just like any other woman,” the 34-year-old commented on Gaga’s post.

Taylor Swift has spoken out about eating disorders. The days when Taylor Swift seemed to respond to every cat video on the internet are long gone. Today, the singer carefully chooses when and why she speaks out. It can be assumed that Swift has thought this step through carefully, possibly because she herself constantly faces similar rumors. Recently, there were also pregnancy speculations about her, after concert photos showed her in a tight sequin bodysuit.

In her Netflix documentary “Miss Americana,” Swift had already revealed in 2020 how comments about her body led to unhealthy eating habits. In an interview with “Variety,” she also mentioned that the first pregnancy rumors about her surfaced when she was only 18 years old. “That happened because I was wearing something that didn’t make my lower abdomen look flat. I felt that was a punishment.”

Other celebrities like Jennifer Aniston or Chrissy Teigen have also publicly discussed how annoying and burdensome constant baby rumors can be. Lady Gaga used the unwanted attention for a good cause by promoting voter registration. “You can register to vote here,” she wrote alongside the pregnancy denial, linking to the registration process for the upcoming US election.