Do you wash your jeans weekly? After two or three days of use? You are probably way off the mark. Here’s what an expert advises…

It’s a question everyone has asked themselves at least once: when should I wash these jeans that I’ve been wearing for a while now and want to keep in their original condition for as long as possible? Many experts have already given their opinion on how often to wash your jeans, whether to put them in the washing machine or prefer a gentler washing method. But this time it’s a pro speaking out: Paul O’Neill, design director at Levi’s, recently gave his opinion in an Australian magazine, the Australian Financial Review (AFR). His advice could surprise more than one.

According to him, before talking about frequency, we must first abide by a few basic rules. When some believe that it is necessary to use a cold wash, simply advises him to wash his jeans alone, “in a delicate cycle”, to prevent the color from rubbing off.

Like many, he recommends washing jeans inside out to protect the outer fibers and opting for a mild, sparing amount of detergent. If needed, a spray stain remover can be used. Finally, he says that air-drying his jeans will help them keep their shape and shine (or slightly faded look) longer.

But when asked about the frequency he applies to himself, he finally confides that for his part, he cold washes his jeans every “30 to 50 uses” and repeats that he never puts them on. in a dryer. A frequency that few people apply, convinced that you should wash your jeans after only two to three days of use! “There is no official method for washing jeans, it’s mostly a matter of personal preference,” nevertheless tempers Paul O’Neill, who believes that image and cleanliness issues remain matters. of each one…

So what about people who never wash their jeans, but freshen them up by spraying them with vinegar, hanging them in the sun to kill bacteria, or even putting them in the freezer? The expert doesn’t really have an opinion. According to him, it’s still all about preference and comfort, between “those who don’t wash them every time they wear them” and those who only wash them “when absolutely necessary”.

Also interviewed, Jane Herman, creator of a blog and a newsletter entirely devoted to denim (The Only Jane) nevertheless believes that “refusing to wash your jeans is a bit stupid if you are not wearing indigo 100 % cotton”. “They’re jeans, they can take it, that’s what makes them so great,” she adds. The voice of reason, no doubt.