You might have an impeccable view if you manage to find the eagle hidden in this mountain landscape.

The snow-capped mountain cliffs show an eagle flying at the bottom of the image, but a second eagle is hiding nearby. The challenge is made more arduous because you only have 10 seconds to spot the eagle – and only those with the best eyesight can find it. To succeed in this challenge, you will need to examine each part of the image with a fresh eye or even with… an eagle’s eye! Don’t get distracted by the many details you can find in the image.

We are sure that at first glance, you will be able to distinguish the head of a bear or an ibex in this image. But that’s not what’s being asked of you! We are looking for an eagle! You only have 10 seconds to find it, start your timer as soon as you look at the image. Do you want one last tip before we begin? You can click on the image to enlarge it as much as possible and play in the best conditions. Let’s go !

Your time is up. Did you manage to find the eagle? If so, congratulations! Your vision is perfect and your ophthalmologist would be proud of you. If you haven’t found it yet we’ll give you a hint. Take a closer look at the upper part of the mountain – it is in the rocks that the second eagle hid. If you didn’t find it in time, don’t worry, we’ve circled it for you below.

Distinguishing an eagle hidden in a mountain drawing can be difficult for several reasons. First, mountains, with their reliefs, shadows and details, can easily obscure the outlines of an eagle. Additionally, eagles, as birds of prey, have naturally camouflaged colors to blend into their surroundings, making their detection even trickier. Furthermore, a drawing may exploit optical illusions or artistic techniques that blur the distinction between the animal and the landscape. Finally, the human brain is programmed to recognize familiar patterns, and can sometimes overlook subtle details upon first observation.