Pascal Obispo is in the spotlight this Friday on France 3. The program “L’Anniversaire secret” will pay tribute to his thirty-year career. A career that the artist does not wish to extend forever… Explanations.

The Secret Birthday, broadcast from 9:10 p.m. this November 24, 2023 on France 3, features singer Pascal Obispo. Around thirty guests, from Zazie to Élodie Frégé, including Patrick Bruel, Nolwenn Leroy and even Michaël Gregorio, are there. Objective ? Pay tribute to the 58-year-old performer on the occasion of his thirty-year career. A surprise show, which the singer absolutely did not expect on the day of recording, and which was therefore carried out without there having been the slightest rehearsal. Even Pascal Obispo’s mother makes a small appearance.

After thirty years of career and hits, the show promises to be particularly rich in emotions. And all the more so since the singer’s fans have already been warned by Pascal Obispo himself, they will not be able to count on him to sing on stage for the next thirty years. Indeed, on September 16, the interpreter of L’important c’est d’aimer revealed on RFM in the show 1 Heures avec… by Bernard Montiel that he didn’t want to drag on.

Returning to his current tour which will end in January 2024, Pascal Obispo indulged in some confidences concerning his plans for the future: “I’m stopping at the beginning of February, I’m rehearsing in Rome with Giuliano Peparini who is the new director on stage of the Ten Commandments. That’s it. Because we’re doing a new version, and in March, we’re going back on stage. And then, it will be next summer, so in a year, even less than a year. We’re going to do festivals,” he explained. And continues: “At the start of the school year, October, November, December, little surprise. I’m going to create something else to take me to January 8, 2025, and then I’ll say goodbye.”

Taken by surprise, Bernard Montiel then tried to find out more. Was it a joke or was Pascal Obispo really serious? “I’ll say goodbye to you. I’m 60 years old. We’re leaving and then we’re doing something else,” the singer replied, before justifying himself: “We’re not going to go too far. No, we have to go to the top.” Pascal Obispo did not hesitate to take the case of Jean-Jacques Goldman as an example: “He stopped at 51, don’t bother me! It’s not bad, I lasted nine more years!”