While the Delon children’s complaint against Hiromi Rollin (and vice versa) has just been dismissed, Alain Delon announces that he wants to file a complaint against his son. The family imbroglio continues…

The legal drama surrounding Alain Delon continues, but until when? The Montargis court put an end to the proceedings between the children of the French actor and Hiromi Rollin, we learned in a press release from the prosecution this Thursday, January 4, 2024. However, the family is torn apart by filing a complaint against each other.

In the first case, the Montargis court dismissed the two complaints filed by Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon against Hiromi Rollin for an insufficiently characterized offense. Since July 5, 2023, they have accused the one they described as their father’s “companion lady” of violence against a vulnerable person, animal abuse, moral harassment, abuse of weakness and misappropriation of correspondence for “insufficiently characterized offenses”. On Instagram, Anthony Delon made it known that he wanted to become a civil party in this case, “so that the truth can be established”.

Subsequently, Hiromi Rollin herself filed a complaint against Alain Delon’s children. The one who defined herself as the companion of the French cinema giant accused them of violence in meetings and theft during her expulsion from the actor’s property, in Douchy, on July 5. His complaint was also dismissed, also for “insufficiently characterized offenses”. She announced through her lawyer that she would not stop there and that she would file a complaint against the Delon children with a civil suit for slanderous denunciation.

The dismissal of the various actors in the case comes at an already tense moment for the Delon family. In the columns of Paris-Match this Thursday, January 4, 2024, Anthony Delon announced that he had filed a complaint against his half-sister, Anouchka Delon, on November 7.

Alain Delon’s eldest son accuses his younger daughter of not having kept him informed of their father’s “cognitive deterioration”. “Between 2019 and 2022, my father [was] subjected to five cognitive tests during his clinic visits in Switzerland. He passed none of them.” He thus accuses Anouchka Delon of having “clearly endangered” the actor and of being “indirectly complicit in all the abuse and violence of which he was the victim”.

On Instagram, Anthony Delon revealed an email from the public prosecutor of Montargis, revealing that Alain Delon’s medical expertise had concluded that “his discernment is totally abolished”. The latter “is considering opening a procedure for placing him under legal protection”, according to the screenshot shared by the actor’s eldest child on social networks. “This is a hard blow to my sister and her lawyer,” he said on Instagram.

Following this article, Alain Delon himself said he was “extremely shocked by the media coverage” following his son Anthony’s comments against his sister. In a press release sent to BFM TV, his lawyer, Me Ayela, confides that the actor cannot “stand the aggressiveness of his son Anthony who keeps telling him that he is senile”.

He also considers it “shocking” that his eldest “claims that he would have lived his last Christmas” in Paris-Match. The lawyer then reveals that Alain Delon has decided to file a complaint against Anthony Delon for defamation. Anthony Delon reacted on Instagram, assuring that “[his] father signed this rag without taking the measure of it, most certainly without even reading it, tired of all these conflicts which exhaust him”.

Directly targeted by her half-brother, Anouchka Delon decided to file a complaint against Anthony Delon for defamation, slanderous denunciation, threats and harassment according to Le Figaro. In a press release from her lawyer, Me Christophe Ayela, the youngest of the Delons said she was “shocked and saddened by the lying and insulting comments” made by her brother against her in Paris-Match.

“In our family, as in all families, things have not always been simple, and I can understand the faults and wounds of each person. But it is now time to let only serenity speak and can -be even more… modesty”, she wrote in this press release. Still through her lawyer, she accuses Anthony Delon of being “in resentment, jealousy, revenge and participating in old quarrels which obviously have still not been calmed”.