While the Delon clan is torn apart in a legal and media battle, the actor’s health seems very worrying according to those close to him.

The statements surrounding the state of health of Alain Delon have been particularly worrying in recent days. Since the beginning of 2024, the actor’s children have been fighting in public and through legal proceedings against each other. At the heart of this conflict: the state of health of the “Samurai”.

Whether it’s his children or his former partner (or lady-in-waiting according to his family) Hiromi Rollin, everyone makes their alarming comment on the health of Alain Delon. The latter would have stopped his treatments since the end of August, reveals a report to the courts sent by the actor’s lawyer for “endangerment”.

For the lawyer, Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon would put their father at risk of “premature death” by stopping his care and medical monitoring. Alain Delon’s lawyer wishes, in fact, the appointment of a legal representative in order to protect the actor from the decision of his sons, a decision that they would have taken, according to Anouchka Delon, against his opinion but also that of their father. Their sister, Anouchka, says she wants to take their father to Switzerland so that he can undergo medical treatment. His brothers accuse him of wanting to do it for tax reasons, assuring that their father wants to die at his residence in Douchy.

For Hiromi Rollin, who spoke to RTL, the 88-year-old actor is “in mortal danger” if he stops his treatments. She assures that the actor was in good health before she left Douchy last July: “It’s been four months without treatment, six months without medical check-up. Alain’s life is in danger. I have not not afraid to say that he is in mortal danger.”

His youngest child, Alain-Fabien, evokes “a lamentable state” of the actor during an interview with BFMTV this Wednesday, January 10, before adding in a comment published on Instagram revealing a recording of his sister that their father is “very weakened”, “very anxious”, he “no longer has his voice and speaks with great difficulty”, he “is not always coherent”, he “does not know when it is morning or evening “.

Returning to the conflict between him and his sister Anouchka Delon, Alain-Fabien took advantage of the opportunity to make a real rant against her. “Shame on her for not trying to spend time with him. She doesn’t look at him when I have to put him to bed, she looks away. It’s hard to see,” he accused, before note: “I put him to bed, I put him to bed every night, I take him out of his bed, I put him in his wheelchair, I cook him food, I sit with him and sometimes he insults me because it’s a bit of a steak.” And to further accuse his older sister: “I’m here [in Douchy editor’s note], [if] you’re so worried about your dad, why did you go back to Switzerland?”

It is also the state of health of Alain Delon which crystallizes the quarrels between his children. On January 4, the eldest, Anthony Delon, revealed to Paris-Match that he had filed a complaint against his sister Anouchka. He accuses her of not having kept him informed of their father’s “cognitive decline”. In return, she filed a complaint against her brother for defamation, slanderous denunciation, threats and harassment. Alain-Fabien Delon filed a complaint against his sister for “abuse of weakness to the detriment of their father”.