RATP STRIKE. The CGT-RATP has filed a strike notice from Monday February 5 to Monday September 9, 2024, i.e. 7 months of disruption to Parisian traffic covering the period of the Olympic Games. What we know.

Monday January 29, the CGT-RATP, the first union at the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, filed via a letter published on Facebook a strike notice from Monday February 5, 2024 at 7 p.m. to Monday September 9, 2024 at 8 a.m. regarding “l “all staff, each category and each service”. To the attention of Jean Castex, president and general director of RATP, the union’s letter mentions a “disagreement” between the management of the Régie and the unions in the obligatory annual negotiations (NAO) and discussions on possible bonuses during the Olympic and Paralympic Games which will take place in Paris this summer 2024.

The union deplores “insufficient 2024 salary measures”. In fact, management plans an increase of only 0.9% which “does not meet the expectations of the company’s agents”, in particular “in a period of high inflation and on the eve of a global challenge, which is that to organize the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This notice therefore extends over the period of the Olympic Games scheduled from July 26 to August 11 in Paris. It remains to be seen whether the unions will have won their case and that the strike will not have been called off by then. For the moment, RATP management has not yet disclosed traffic forecasts for next Monday, the start of the strike, but dark days await users of the Paris metro which transports 7 million people per day… Disturbances are generally announced 24 hours in advance.